Empower - Tumblr Posts

7 months ago
Rise Above We Are Here To Overcome Our Challenges And Stay Positive, No Matter What Life Throws At Us.

Rise above ✊ We are here to overcome our challenges and stay positive, no matter what life throws at us. We must find our inner strength and resilience, handle life's ups and downs with grace, and become stronger through our experiences. Now is the time to learn and grow.

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7 months ago
Aim Higher Our Emotions Have The Power To Propel Us Forward Or Hold Us Back, Depending On How We Manage

Aim higher 🏹 Our emotions have the power to propel us forward or hold us back, depending on how we manage them. When we master our feelings, we maintain focus, overcome obstacles, and soar to new heights.

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7 months ago
Abundance Flows When We Take Care Of Ourselves In Every Way. When We Invest In Our Own Well-being, We

Abundance flows 🌊 when we take care of ourselves in every way. When we invest in our own well-being, we build up our strength and resilience. Caring for ourselves makes us want to care for others, sharing the same love and attention we've given ourselves.

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6 months ago
Inspiration Comes From Above It Brightens Our Minds And Drives Us To Pursue Our Dreams. It Helps Us Push

Inspiration comes from above 👆 It brightens our minds and drives us to pursue our dreams. It helps us push past our limits and follow our passions.

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2 years ago

When food becomes your enemy

TW:ED This blog is my way of empowering myself to open up about my disordered eating and help anyone who feels alone. Read more to know about my journey when food became my enemy.

We all have agendas for every day – be it written or productive, there is at least a subconscious plan for each day. We usually remember the important chores and activities to do. But what happens when you start to consciously jot down “eat less” or “don’t eat a lot” every day? What happens when every single day you keep letting yourself down by eating “more” than you planned for or eating the…

When Food Becomes Your Enemy

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6 months ago

Yoga Boobs

How will breast reduction surgery make you feel? Liberated? Empowered? In the world of cosmetic surgery, trends come and go, but one particular procedure has seen remarkable growth in recent years—breast reduction surgery. Once overshadowed by procedures like breast augmentation or rhinoplasty, breast reduction is now becoming one of the most sought-after elective surgeries. This shift reflects a…

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