Innovation - Tumblr Posts

10 months ago
These Adorable Little Bird Sculptures, Perched Atop A Bollard, Are Not Just A Whimsical Sight To Behold,
These Adorable Little Bird Sculptures, Perched Atop A Bollard, Are Not Just A Whimsical Sight To Behold,

These adorable little bird sculptures, perched atop a bollard, are not just a whimsical sight to behold, but they also serve an important safety purpose, preventing children from climbing and falling. A delightful blend of creativity and functionality, these avian guardians embody the Japanese spirit of innovation and care for the community.

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13 years ago
Tesla Motors In The District! The Innovative Auto Brand Opened A Location Between K And New York Ave
Tesla Motors In The District! The Innovative Auto Brand Opened A Location Between K And New York Ave
Tesla Motors In The District! The Innovative Auto Brand Opened A Location Between K And New York Ave
Tesla Motors In The District! The Innovative Auto Brand Opened A Location Between K And New York Ave

Tesla Motors in the District! The innovative auto brand opened a location between K and New York Ave on 11th St featuring electric cars that can run up to 250 miles on a single charge and starting for only $50,000 green ones.

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3 years ago

Take the STEM Works for Me Quiz to help you figure out what area of STEM best suits you!

Take The STEM Works For Me Quiz To Help You Figure Out What Area Of STEM Best Suits You!


STEM education has largely prioritized the work of white men, while minimizing, omitting, or perpetuating harmful stereotypes about the knowledge and contributions of STEM leaders of color.

Students from communities underrepresented in STEM careers may be unaware of STEM career opportunities beyond the basics, and they often don’t “see” themselves represented in the field, making them feel like they don’t belong.


Educate yourself about how you can get paid to follow your passion and do world-changing work through STEM. Then educate your friend(s) about real-life STEM professionals, so that they can find their dream STEM careers, too.

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6 months ago

a lot of talk of big naturals but what about big artificials? why must we only praise the lucky and not the hard working?

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1 year ago
Turkey Burger Innovation

Turkey Burger Innovation

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7 months ago
Inner World All Embryos Start Out As Female, The Source Of Creation. Every Night, We Return To This Embryonic

Inner world 🥚 All embryos start out as female, the source of creation. Every night, we return to this embryonic state so that we can create a new experience each morning.

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7 months ago
Sleep Insights We Get Them By Tapping Into Our Subconscious Mind. While We Dream, Our Brain Processes

Sleep Insights 💡 We get them by tapping into our subconscious mind. While we dream, our brain processes information and makes new connections. By thinking about a problem before bed, our brain will come up with a solution while we sleep.

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6 months ago
Inspiration Comes From Above It Brightens Our Minds And Drives Us To Pursue Our Dreams. It Helps Us Push

Inspiration comes from above 👆 It brightens our minds and drives us to pursue our dreams. It helps us push past our limits and follow our passions.

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6 months ago
Colorful Artist With A Paintbrush In Hand, The World Becomes Your Canvas, Where Your Creativity Truly

Colorful Artist 🎨 With a paintbrush in hand, the world becomes your canvas, where your creativity truly shines. Creative discipline and practice guide you, helping you enter a flow state where your artistic vision comes to life.

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5 months ago
Radiant Mind The Peacock, With Its Bright Feathers, Represents The Endless Creativity We All Have Inside

Radiant Mind 🦚 The peacock, with its bright feathers, represents the endless creativity we all have inside us. Each feather shows how unique our thoughts can be and how many possibilities we can imagine. Lets tap into a world of ideas and explore in ways we never thought possible.

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2 years ago

"A brief?!? That's funny. I thought gold only came in a thong or g-string."

It was right then and there in the middle of shooting the remake of the Rocky Horror Picture Show, sponsored by T-Mobile's 5G full coverage network, Brad realized technology and innovation could actually backfire.

“How could the ‘T’ not stand for thong?!”

Brad couldn’t believe the producers were being serious. It turns out they were.

The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975) // Dir. Jim Sharman
The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975) // Dir. Jim Sharman
The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975) // Dir. Jim Sharman

The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975) // dir. Jim Sharman

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3 years ago
Heres The Character Sheet As Promised! This Is The First Time Ive Made One Of These, So Hopefully Its

Here’s the character sheet as promised! This is the first time I’ve made one of these, so hopefully it’s legible and not too messy. I’m excited to continue working on this series of characters!

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12 years ago
Oh, This? Just Some Teenage Girls From Africa Who Invented A Urine-powered Generator. (via Io9)

Oh, this? Just some teenage girls from Africa who invented a urine-powered generator. (via io9)

Robert T. Gonzales

How's this for an innovative startup: four African girls — the eldest of which is just fifteen years old — have worked together to invent a generator that's powered by urine. The group presented their creation at this year's Maker Faire Africa, and it's so freaking brilliant it makes me want travel back in time and punch 15-year-old me right in the solar plexus.

The Next Web lays out how it works:

Urine is put into an electrolytic cell, which cracks the urea into nitrogen, water, and hydrogen.

The hydrogen goes into a water filter for purification, which then gets pushed into the gas cylinder.

The gas cylinder pushes hydrogen into a cylinder of liquid borax, which is used to remove the moisture from the hydrogen gas.

This purified hydrogen gas is pushed into the generator.

1 Liter of urine gives you 6 hours of electricity.

Here's hoping these girls can get the funding they need to take this idea to new heights. Even if they don't, we've got a feeling they're going places.

Read more over at The Next Web and the Maker Faire Africa website.

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1 year ago

I looked up how to recycle aluminum cans to see if I could do similar with recycled materials and maybe jacket spikes or other metal up cycled

This is such good inspiration that gets so many mental gears turning

Cymbals - armour - battle jacket

Because M E T A L

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4 years ago

Elevating the straight style to the next level 🤫 @nizar_barakat @nizbarakat @salsabil_j_officielle #Savethedate #Designthatmatters #Loverstheme #Innovation #Youngcreatives #proudlymoroccan #morroco #maroc #fashion #creative #creativity #design #designer #fashionpost #fashionstreet #drowingart #parís #london🇬🇧 #milano #lebanese #turkey #dubai

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4 years ago

Coming sooner than you’ve ever expected ! 😘 14/02/21 Model : @salma_elatmani Design @nizar_barakat Video : @_rvmsey For : @salsabil_j_officielle 🌸 #proudlymoroccanmade #designthatmatters #loverstheme #140221 #innovation #handcrafted #followtheculture #society #savethedate #art #handpainted #recycled #culture #collaboration #music #uniquegift #exclusive #lux #streetwear #oneofakindgifts #love #recycled #caringfortheenvironment

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