Favourite Person - Tumblr Posts

9 months ago

Actually I wanna be someone’s comfort person. their go to. their favorite. the person they wanna grow with and heal with.

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9 months ago

Actually I wanna be someone’s comfort person. their go to. their favorite. the person they wanna grow with and heal with.

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9 months ago

Actually I wanna be someone’s comfort person. their go to. their favorite. the person they wanna grow with and heal with.

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9 months ago

Actually I wanna be someone’s comfort person. their go to. their favorite. the person they wanna grow with and heal with.

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6 months ago

I miss him. I'm also crying. But I don't think it's because I miss him? Maybe it is? Maybe I just don't want it to be?

I want to text him. I want to text him please. But I don't want to be too much. I don't want to be too much again.

I don't know what to do. I can't breath. I can't fucking breath anymore. I want him to hug and hold me.

I need to breath again. Please?

I want to text him.

I miss him.

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6 months ago

I texted a friend that I missed him. Nothing new, but the meaning changed.

We have never met in real life, and the I miss you was meant as in I know we are supposed to be together way.

Now when I text him I miss you I mean it as in I miss you and me. I miss how we were, I miss knowing you the way I did. I miss that it felt like we were meant for each other.

I miss him. So much.

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6 months ago

We are on our challenge of don't text him again, wahoo!

Yeah, no, I feel like shit when I text him and bother him and I even mixed up two days and that was terrible I felt so bad.

But I also feel like shit when I am not checking in with him. I have no idea how he is doing?? He could have been kidnapped or be dying right now and I wouldn't know.

I talked to people form dbt (a type of group therapy) and they knew exactly what I was talking about which was really nice.

But I'm just gonna not text him because that seems less annoying?

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5 months ago

He want to meet up tomorrow...

I am kinda very scared that he'll go no contact with me, haha....


But I know I shouldn't be.

I know...

I know I shouldn't be.

I'm sorry for thinking that everyone will always leave me.

I am sorry.

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5 months ago

The only thing I was looking forward to is seeing him. But I don't know when that will even be.

Maybe never again.

Maybe I'm just dramatic.

But it feels like we'll never be together again...

I want to be back in his arms. I want to be with him.

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5 months ago

sorry for crying so hard I threw up and giving you the silent treatment over something insignificant do you still like me?

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