Lithromantic - Tumblr Posts

10 months ago

To all my lithromantics out there, I hope you know they'll never like you back <3

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9 months ago

i love the idea of a romantic relationship, and i love loving someone, but i feel like im doomed to either suffer in silence to avoid hurting them or break their heart. it hurts so bad to be so in love with them without pursuing a relationship, but i know that if i do tell them, i will hurt them in 2 years. i dont know what to do.


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9 months ago

i love the idea of a romantic relationship, and i love loving someone, but i feel like im doomed to either suffer in silence to avoid hurting them or break their heart. it hurts so bad to be so in love with them without pursuing a relationship, but i know that if i do tell them, i will hurt them in 2 years. i dont know what to do.


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11 months ago

Random thing but I think I'm Lithromantic.

Idk I've been doing stupid research cause I feel aroace isn't completely enough to make me feel comfortable. Info below.

Random Thing But I Think I'm Lithromantic.

I am still asexual, I don't want nor like sex! Js feel like Lithromantic is very close to what I describe myself as.

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2 years ago

The fourth day of my Representation is Important pride month chibi set is Lithromantic! (When one experiences romantic attraction without the desire for reciprocation)

Today's representing OC is Rik! (They/them)

The Fourth Day Of My Representation Is Important Pride Month Chibi Set Is Lithromantic! (When One Experiences

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2 years ago

The fourth day of my Representation is Important pride month chibi set is Lithromantic! (When one experiences romantic attraction without the desire for reciprocation)

Today's representing OC is Rik! (They/them)

The Fourth Day Of My Representation Is Important Pride Month Chibi Set Is Lithromantic! (When One Experiences

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1 year ago
Welcome To Ltoile Blanche!

Welcome to L’étoile Blanche!

Happy Pride Everyone!!! This is the 5th year I'll be celebrating aspec identities during pride month so I'm very excited!

I've got quite a few pride illustrations planned, so let's see how many I manage to get through before the month is up (^~^;)ゞ

You can spot all my aspec wolves working arount the café so check back for updates where I can introduce them all to you (。•̀ᴗ-)✧

Pride Art Tag - Challenge|Poster |Aroace|Aro|Ace|Aspec|Agen|Flux|Fray|Litho|Recip

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9 months ago

Happy pride month to all of my religious queer/trans people out there. We’re just as important, just as special, and have many important experiences that the world needs to hear. Don’t let anybody tell you not to shine too <3

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9 months ago

This is a bit of a vent but nothing heavy, also some love for my aro pals all over the world <3

I hate when i’m talking to someone and they go “you’re aromantic and you still have a partner?!”

And then it goes into either:

- I’m not actually aromantic

-I’m a horrible person for “leading my partner on”

-I’m “proof” that aro people “should still date”

Like listen, buddy, i feel like almost no romantic attraction. And in order for me to even FEEL that romantic attraction, someone has to confess to me and even then it’s not like i’m just gonna magically gain feelings, but the security of knowing someone else wants me makes it a bit easier to feel those things and to want a romantic relationship

Aromantic people owe it to nobody to be in a relationship. They don’t owe it to anyone to feel any romantic attraction at all.

And most important of all, if an aromantic person is/isn’t dating someone, don’t butt your head into their business

“You’ll be lonely and sad!”

Not your business <3

“You’re just manipulating your partner!”

Not your business (and we’ve talked about my aromantic orientation and they’re perfectly fine with it) <3

My love for my partner may not be butterflies swarming in my chest, but when i’m in their arms i feel safe. When they’re beside me i feel at peace. I love talking to them and they mean more than most other people do to me, in a way that friendship doesn’t work with.

And to the rest of my aro pals out there, people are always gonna be out there to say something like “you’re not aromantic enough” or “you’re too aromantic”, don’t listen to people like that please don’t waste your time on shit takes like that. You know yourself best and you’re perfect just as you are.

You aren’t broken.

You aren’t manipulative.

You’re not confused.

You’re not too young or too old to know.

And if nobody else supports you, you’ve got a major community of aromantics all over the world all over the spectrum that are there and support you

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8 months ago

I realized that I was lithromantic a while ago and I was so happy to figure it out. However it didn’t hit me until very recently that the chances of me ever getting married is extremely low. And I won’t lie I cried about it. Like full on sobbed to my mom. I had been planning my dream wedding since I was very little, it was one of the few feminine things I did where I didn’t feel awkward and wrong when it came to other girls my age, so it hurts a bit that I might not get that. However if I had a choice I would still stay lithromantic, It sucks sometimes but it’s me.

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6 months ago

Ever have a... that you like this person and that person is now your crush. But then the crush said they like you and here you don't reincorporate their feelings or just down right saying no and your feelings for them just vanish. That's my life there.

And when it comes to liking a character or characters, you like the said characters but after a while you just lose your feelings for them and see them as friends or even other non-romantic relationship.

God, I can't be the only one with this kind of stuff

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