Microlabels - Tumblr Posts

11 months ago


Shout out to all the ace micro labels! today is your day, too!!


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Two part answer because I have DID.

We collectively are:

genderfluid - a non-fixed gender identity that shifts over time or depending on the situation

sapphic - an umbrella term that includes lesbian, bisexual, and pansexual trans femmes, mascs, nonbinary folks, and cis women

a-spec - an umbrella term for anyone who identifies on the asexual/asensual/aplatonic/anaesthetic/afamilial/aromantic (etc.) spectrum(s)

xenogender - a gender that cannot be contained by human understandings of gender

I (Ash) am:

lesbian - non-man attracted to non-men

agenderfluid - in which one is fluid between agender and its spectrum

(I'm a paradox because I'm every gender and no gender at the same time)

omniaspec - someone who is a-spec in every attraction

aegosexual - enjoying consuming sexual content but not desiring sex yourself

(I like reading smut for the intimacy but the idea of having sex myself is repulsive)

demisensual - only experiencing sensual attraction (a desire for non-sexual physical contact) after a specific bond has been made

demiqueerplatonic - in which someone only experiences queerplatonic attraction after forming a deep bond/connection with someone

caedfamilial - where one feels like their allofamilial attraction disappeared or changed to either strictly afamilial or afaspec due to trauma

neuroplatonic - when your neurodivergent condition affects your platonic attraction

polyamorous - the practice of, or desire for, romantic relationships with more than one partner at the same time

(I would be okay dating one person but I'd prefer to be in a polyamorous relationship)

cupioromantic - someone who doesn't feel romantic attraction but desires a romantic relationship

stargender - a xenogender in which one's gender is or is like a star

mittgender - a xenogender for when one's gender is influenced by a feeling of cosiness and warmth

gendersea - a gender that is vast sea of caverns and depths yet to be discovered

gendervoid - referring to the sense that there is “an empty space,” a void, where a gender identity would be

astralgender - a gender that feels connected to space

deathcute - a xenogender that feels like death, darkness, horror, and monsters – but in a wholesome way that is also endearing, comforting, beautiful, and whimsical

caelgender - an aesthetigender identity in which one's gender is largely focused on space-related things such as stars, aliens, planets, galaxies, and/or black holes

greyalterous - when alterous attraction is experienced infrequently

frayaesthetic - attraction that fades as one gets to know the individual they're attracted to

disclaimer: I copied and pasted the definitions from Google/Reddit

in honour of pride month, im starting a tag game! if you feel comfortable, share your labels and what they mean! if you dont label yourself/dont know the correct labels for yourself, you can just describe yourself instead :)

its important for us in the lgbtqia+ community to remember that, while a lot of us just sit under the 'gay' or 'queer' umbrella when talking about ourselves, many of us use labels that are more precise, but feel we cant share our full selves with others because its 'too much' or 'too confusing'. yknow that tiktok sound where one person describes a long complicated coffee and the other just says 'tea'? share your complicated coffee!! be your full selves!

to start us off, im abrosexual and genderfluid (flags in my pfp)! i use they/she/he pronouns. abrosexuality is a fluidity of sexuality, which in my case means that my sexuality fluctuates in tandem with my gender. so, when im feeling more fem/genderless, i only really find myself romantically attracted to non-men, but on more masc days i might have some romantic attraction to someone of any gender. some days, i have no romantic attraction at all, no matter what my gender presents as. my sexual attraction fluctuates too, but less in relation to my gender identity. it also holds no correlation to my romantic attraction.

reblog and tag to share!! np tags: @my-castles-crumbling @starmanbutitsregulusblack @siriuslygay1981 @icarus-last-fall and an open tag!! if you see this, youre officially invited to share!! no matter what your sexuality/gender identity is, this is a safe place to share it! <33

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1 year ago

Hey Yall-

I have been thinking about my asexual identity recently. I've never really identified with the word, or even any microlabels within it. I've always just said ace due to the complexity of my emotions. I've always just said,

"I'm ace until I'm not (but only for my bf, otherwise I'm just ace)".

I have not found a single term completely describing how I feel. I've found multiple different ones that describe bits and pieces, but never the whole story. I recently found 2 to add on to my 3rd label to completely describe how I feel, and they are the terms Cupiosexual and Reciprosexual- along with the term Demisexual that I've already sort of identified with.

Since I couldn't find a label, I've decided to make one for myself.

If anyone relates or likes the label/ flag, please let me know. I'd love to share. Also let me know if you come up with any ideas for it, like a better name or flag addition. But I made this for my own peace. Anyways, I introduce a new ace umbrella microlabel-


([row- mee- sexual] prefix- romi; mix of romance, reciprocate, demi)

-When one only feels sexual attraction when it is reciprocated or initiated by someone they have a deep connection with. A sexual relationship may occur as a result, but is not required.

A pride flag consisting of 4 color stripes; Black, royal blue, lavender, and white.

Color meanings:

Black- Asexuality

Royal Blue- Deep connection or relations

Lavender- reciprocated affection or attraction

White- Sexuality

There's also a version with the cupiosexual symbol, indicating want for a sexual relationship with asexuality or no sexual attraction otherwise:

A pride flag consisting of 4 color stripes; Black, royal blue, lavender, and white. The cupiosexual symbol- a circle with a strike through it with a heart at the point - is in the middle.

I am very proud of the colors and meanings and I'm so happy to have something to finally describe me. I hope this can make some others happy too!



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11 months ago


Shout out to all the ace micro labels! today is your day, too!!


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9 months ago

happy pride month y'all 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️

; happy pride to everyone ! And I mean everyone. All of you. Even the ones that aren't usually mentioned !!?

; including but not limited to:

BIPOC queers

Disabled queers

Neurodivergent queers

Closeted people

People in countries it's extremely illegal to be queer ( stay safe, it'll be okay !! )

People in unsupportive families ( stay safe, you'll find family / friends who support you, I promise <3 )

Trans folk who haven't and / or have no desire to medically transition

Xenogender users

Neopronoun users

People who use " conflicting " labels like being masc-aligned and a lesbian

Aroallo people ( exclusionists be damned,, you are valid !! )

Intersex people who are AFAB / AMAB

Intersex people in general

Queer people who don't fit their stereotypes ( i.e. Fem lesbian, masc gay, non-androgynous enby )

Black trans women who continue to be masculinized and misgendered ( you are a woman !! A beautiful one at that. )

Gay asian men who are fetishized ( you're not a fetish !! )

Old queer people who are forgotten / underrepresented

Alternative people who are queer ( mainly black / non-white ppl .. But also all of you !! Valid !! )

People who use uncommon microlabels and are always forgotten

Plus-sized queers !!

People who didn't realize they were LGBTQIA+ until much later in life

People who aren't out and proud and are actually having lots of doubts,, it's okay to have doubts !! You're still valid !!

Transmascs / transfems who don't specifically identify as a man / woman

People who are religious and queer

; and everyone else who's often excluded / forgotten !! You're a part of this community and you're so so valid and you deserve to enjoy pride month too ! However you do so. :]


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9 months ago

; hey everyone !! It's officially pride month, and since I'm an absolute fucking ambitious idiot I've made a list, enjoy.

; I love you

Lesbians ( ALL LESBIANS !! )







































































Questioning ppl





















Two spirits








; is this list meant to demean or invalidate anyone who isn't on it ?? No. It's showing you that in just a few minutes ( seriously, minutes. ) I've listed 100 identities. 1 0 0. The LGBTQIA+ community is vast. So so incredibly vast !! Even if your identity is not listed on here, you're still so so valid and I love you so much. You're a part of this community, you're important and you're you. Whether you use 20+ labels or prefer not to just roll with it and use none, whether you use " common " labels like bi or lesbian, or you use an array of xenogenders that js describe you so perfectly. Whatever. As long as you're comfortable and you're happy with your identity or lack thereof, then I'm so proud of you.

; or if you haven't yet figured out what labels to use or you're shuffling between loads in confusion, that's okay !! Finding yourself takes time, it could take forever, you as a person are constantly changing and so how you identify is " allowed " to change w that. It's okay. You're still valid and you're still a part of this community.

; to the people who are out and proud, whether those people were accepting or not, you're so valid and brave and I'm so proud of you !! And you're an inspiration to those around you I'm sure. And to those still closeted for whatever reason .. It's alright, everything will be okay. You don't have to tell anyone anything, you don't owe anyone anything, you're not lying to them or anything ( it's only a lie if they're entitled to know ) !! And when the time comes, whoever you tell, I wish you luck. For now simply stay safe, be yourself and don't let anyone stop you !!

; happy pride everyone, the fun has only js begun !! Get ready to taste the mother fucking rainbow !! >:]] /nsx

; I'd also like to say if you want me to add to this list then feel free to shoot me an ask or message !! /gen /nf

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4 years ago

Microlabels aren't a thing. They are just labels. Some peoples identity’s are complicated and/or need a lot of labels to explain. Stfu about microlabels because telling me I'm over analyzing and labeling my identity because I'm more than a trans man or gay. I don't care if your saying that microlabels are ok calling them microlabels is fucking stupid. Let people live and use as many words as they need and want to describe their identity.

I say this but also any labels are an attempt to categorise queer people so that cishets feel comfortable and can understand us, and because we are forced to view everything, including ourselves through a cishet viewpoint we feel the need to label ourselves which is kind of fucked. Queer people don't need cishet approval. Queer people don't need to explain themselves

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6 months ago

It seriously bothers me when people make a fuss about labels. If someone wants to use a lot of labels to describe themselves that is their personal, inoffensive choice and you shouldn’t get mad over it.

“Oh but you aren’t a product on a shelf, you shouldn’t let that define you, labels aren’t that important”

For you! And your experience isn’t universal! There are various reasons for one to use labels, including having a better understanding of themselves. I literally lived in a limbo of not understanding and pushing myself way too hard, to the point where I would hurt myself before I was labeled as autistic and discovered the label asexual.

Labels are quite useful and important to some. If they not for you, that’s valid! But don’t disregard their importance to others or shame people who use them.

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9 months ago

; this !! Just, this !!

Listen, I love the LGBTQ+ community as much as any other queer person. But we have got to stop ostracizing people in our community to fit in with cishetallo people.

Some of y’all really do go ‘these are the acceptable boxes for queer people and their definitions, anyone outside of these is actually not queer and making us look bad’ and act like that’s ok. Now that being queer is generally acceptable in online/progressive areas (as long as you are one of the ‘well known’ orientations), a big part of the community has started regulating what’s ‘acceptable’ of a queer person and how we should fit into society.

I’ll see people hating on trans people who don’t fit into the ‘normal’ expectation of ‘Trans girl, Trans boy, or Non-binary’ or use Neo pronouns because that’s how they feel the most comfortable. I’ll see people hating on queer people who don’t like labels ( or try to assign people one even if they don’t want it). Or people who use a label in a way they don’t like (bi people who mostly date the opposite sex, lesbians who use pronouns other than just she/her, gender non-conforming people who don’t identify as trans, obscure micro-labels, etc.)

And it’s so frustrating because we as LGBTQ+ are supposed to be better!!! We are supposed to empathize with the feeling of not fitting in with regular society and help others like us! But the community has become part of the oppressive ‘societal standard’ for some people.

Some people just can’t be put into a perfect little label box and a lot of y’all aren’t cool about that. And I can’t believe I have to tell my fellow queers this, but there is nothing wrong with denying societal standards in order to live in the way that is genuine to you and makes you happy. End of story. If you disagree with that, look inward at your internal biases and try and fix that. Get rid of the cop in your brain telling you that you have to police others self-expression.

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9 months ago

; as it's nearly pride month I js wanted to make a quick post ( I'm going to make a larger one + loads more on pride .. Plus some other things that are celebrated / honoured in June !! ) .. The most common thing I see when ppl are asking for help regarding their identity / anything LGBTQIA+ related is stuff like

; " can I use x and x ?? " or " is it okay to be x and use x ?? " etc ..

; and while it's lovely to see ppl being considerate of terms and not wanting to use conflicting terms that could misrepresent .. It's also important for me to js say:

; you don't need permission to be you.

; it's okay !! I promise !! There is no need to force yourself into boxes of what can be and what cannot, the whole point of exploring your gender identity and expression and your orientation is being yourself, not sticking with the " norm " of cishetallo !! So please, it's so important you don't make boxes for ppl who are trying to get out of other boxes. ( We aren't actually cats .. Not physically at least )

; this is no hate to microlabels, I use them myself even, they're useful and can make ppl be seen !! Totally okay to use those. But you also shouldn't stress yourself out trying to find the perfect ones that don't " conflict " and that " make sense " to outsiders, etc !! You're meant to be discovering things about yourself, not trying to squeeze and pull yourself into what will be digestible for others. It's fine to be considerate and it's great to see, but don't pull yourself apart js because you can't find labels that are common enough, work together, feel right, aren't too " obscure ", don't have bad origins, etc !! It's okay if your identity doesn't make 100% sense to others, it's your identity, it's okay to be " confusing " to others. You aren't responsible for educating the entire human population.

; and whether confusing means using lots of microlabels and xenogenders and neopronouns and being a neogirl who identifies with transmasc and is bigenderflux depending on who your with and your sexual interest is described as demisexual and graysexual but you also have a hard time distinguishing romantic and platonic attraction. Or it could be that you identify as a demiboy and a lesbian.

; however your identity is described or not described, it's okay !! Your okay !! You don't need to apologize or pull your hair out trying to understand everything in a digestible way for others to understand. It's okay to be yourself. I promise.

; so happy early pride everyone !! Now go, be proud of yourself and who you are !!

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9 months ago

; happy pride to everyone ! And I mean everyone. All of you. Even the ones that aren't usually mentioned !!?

; including but not limited to:

BIPOC queers

Disabled queers

Neurodivergent queers

Closeted people

People in countries it's extremely illegal to be queer ( stay safe, it'll be okay !! )

People in unsupportive families ( stay safe, you'll find family / friends who support you, I promise <3 )

Trans folk who haven't and / or have no desire to medically transition

Xenogender users

Neopronoun users

People who use " conflicting " labels like being masc-aligned and a lesbian

Aroallo people ( exclusionists be damned,, you are valid !! )

Intersex people who are AFAB / AMAB

Intersex people in general

Queer people who don't fit their stereotypes ( i.e. Fem lesbian, masc gay, non-androgynous enby )

Black trans women who continue to be masculinized and misgendered ( you are a woman !! A beautiful one at that. )

Gay asian men who are fetishized ( you're not a fetish !! )

Old queer people who are forgotten / underrepresented

Alternative people who are queer ( mainly black / non-white ppl .. But also all of you !! Valid !! )

People who use uncommon microlabels and are always forgotten

Plus-sized queers !!

People who didn't realize they were LGBTQIA+ until much later in life

People who aren't out and proud and are actually having lots of doubts,, it's okay to have doubts !! You're still valid !!

Transmascs / transfems who don't specifically identify as a man / woman

People who are religious and queer

; and everyone else who's often excluded / forgotten !! You're a part of this community and you're so so valid and you deserve to enjoy pride month too ! However you do so. :]

; brief caps tw below this <33


; pt: HAPPY PRIDE MONTH <3 :end pt

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9 months ago

; nodding my head while stuffing more microlabels into my super secret bag of queerness+ ( the premium subscription ofc ofc, only costs 30 more hours of your time and stress !!! 🤭🤭 )

Little reminder that if you don't like microlabels because they feel like they're "made up" or "mocking the community", they're not fuckin for you. They're for the people who understand that labels aren't important and that anyone can have as many or as little as they want. So yes, I'll keep my 50 different microlabels that are all just different flavors of aromantic or toric or non-binary, and if you have a problem with that, it fuckin sucks to be you, doesn't it <2

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9 months ago

Was looking through pride posts and couldn't find my own flag so f it I'll do it myself

Was Looking Through Pride Posts And Couldn't Find My Own Flag So F It I'll Do It Myself

Ft my oc Manasa, happy pride everyone

The flag is upside down but it's just as ugly as you think, someone please design a better one

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3 years ago
Recipro Wolf ForRecipromantics And Reciprosexuals.

Recipro Wolf for Recipromantics and Reciprosexuals.

They’ve got a big hammer for the Reciprosexuals and some gauntlets for Recipromantics. This guy is pretty great with their weapons, they don’t look likely to use them though...

The colours where so fun to balance, such pastel tones work really well together :0

Look out for tomorrows wolf >.>

✨Everything Pride✨  -  Masterpost |Aspec|Aro|Ace|AroAce|Agen|Fray|Flux|Litho|Full

Prints Available on my store if you’re so inclined, check the masterpost!

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3 years ago
Agen Wolf For Agenders.

Agen wolf for Agenders.

Just chilling in the pond with a massive spear for a good time, nothing wrong with that.

Took so much jigging to get him floating in the water correct. I still need to practice perspective more sometime.

Next Wolf is pretty great, you’ll love it I’m sure

✨Everything Pride✨  -  Masterpost |Aspec|Aro|Ace|AroAce|Fray|Flux|Litho|Recipro|Full

Prints Available on my store if you’re so inclined, check the masterpost!

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3 years ago
Flux Wolf For The Aroflux And Aceflux.

Flux wolf for the Aroflux and Aceflux.

Holding a scythe for Aceflux and a pick for Aroflux. How does a wolf use both a scythe and pick when fighting? No idea, just know you don’t want to find out ;)

One of the hardest wolves to balance the colours for, you fluxes don’t even have consistency in your pinks in the flags, came out nice though.

Be sure to check out the other aspec wolves~

✨Everything Pride✨  -  Masterpost |Aspec|Aro|Ace|AroAce|Agen|Fray|Litho|Recipro|Full

Prints Available on my store if you’re so inclined, check the masterpost!

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3 years ago
Fray Wolf For The Frayromantics And Fraysexuals.

Fray wolf for the Frayromantics and Fraysexuals.

Pretty casual in the trees with their staff and jetpack. They look pretty smug up there, wish that were me.

Gotta say this is one of my favorite colour schemes, however that may be because it’s so different from everything else.

Look at the other wolves if you wanna

✨Everything Pride✨  -  Masterpost |Aspec|Aro|Ace|AroAce|Agen|Flux|Litho|Recipro|Full

Prints Available on my store if you’re so inclined, check the masterpost!

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3 years ago
Litho Wolf For All TheLithoromantics And Lithosexuals.

Litho Wolf for all the Lithoromantics and Lithosexuals.

They carry a big ass axe because that’s cool... look not everything can have a deeper meaning.

Fist wolf I finished and I still love the expression the most, a good strike between softness and seriousness. Not sure how I managed it.

Another post tomorrow, how you like it!

✨Everything Pride✨  -  Masterpost |Aspec|Aro|Ace|AroAce|Agen|Fray|Flux|Recipro|Full

Prints Available on my store if you’re so inclined, check the masterpost!

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3 years ago
Heres All My Aspec Pride Prints Together. Took So Much Jigging To Get All Of It To Match Up But I Think
Heres All My Aspec Pride Prints Together. Took So Much Jigging To Get All Of It To Match Up But I Think
Heres All My Aspec Pride Prints Together. Took So Much Jigging To Get All Of It To Match Up But I Think
Heres All My Aspec Pride Prints Together. Took So Much Jigging To Get All Of It To Match Up But I Think
Heres All My Aspec Pride Prints Together. Took So Much Jigging To Get All Of It To Match Up But I Think
Heres All My Aspec Pride Prints Together. Took So Much Jigging To Get All Of It To Match Up But I Think
Heres All My Aspec Pride Prints Together. Took So Much Jigging To Get All Of It To Match Up But I Think
Heres All My Aspec Pride Prints Together. Took So Much Jigging To Get All Of It To Match Up But I Think
Heres All My Aspec Pride Prints Together. Took So Much Jigging To Get All Of It To Match Up But I Think
Heres All My Aspec Pride Prints Together. Took So Much Jigging To Get All Of It To Match Up But I Think

Here’s all my Aspec pride prints together. Took so much jigging to get all of it to match up but I think it came out looking amazing.

I wanted to do something really special for pride this year that I would be really proud of, so I hope you all like them as much as me!

✨Everything Pride✨  -  Masterpost |Aspec|Aro|Ace|AroAce|Agen|Fray|Flux|Litho|Recipro

Prints Available on my store if you’re so inclined, check the masterpost!

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1 year ago
Welcome To Ltoile Blanche!

Welcome to L’étoile Blanche!

Happy Pride Everyone!!! This is the 5th year I'll be celebrating aspec identities during pride month so I'm very excited!

I've got quite a few pride illustrations planned, so let's see how many I manage to get through before the month is up (^~^;)ゞ

You can spot all my aspec wolves working arount the café so check back for updates where I can introduce them all to you (。•̀ᴗ-)✧

Pride Art Tag - Challenge|Poster |Aroace|Aro|Ace|Aspec|Agen|Flux|Fray|Litho|Recip

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