Demus - Tumblr Posts
"Papa?" Virgil glanced up suddenly from his coloring page.
"Yes, my little rag doll?" Janus answered setting aside his book.
"Where did I come from?"
"Well." Janus slipped onto the floor next to his son and pulled Virgil into his lap. "You see, one day I was at the grocery store buying ice cream for your dad for his birthday and when I came out of the store I found that someone had left a baby in carseat on the hood of my car. I took the baby home and put up missing posters for him, but no one ever claimed him so your father and I decide to keep you for our own."
Virgil’s brow pinched. "Are you sure?"
"Absolutely!" Janus assured and kissed his brow.
"Papa, where did I come from?" Virgil asked. It had been several months since the first time he asked, and this time Janus was ready.
He held out his arms and hefted the boy onto his hip. "On Halloween night, your dad forgot to bring in the Jack-o-lantern he'd carved and filled with candy for the neighborhood kids to pick from. Then at midnight-" Janus's voice suddenly went quiet "-we heard footsteps on the porch! We went very still, listening very carefully till someone tried to open the door." His voice went back to normal tone. "But at that point, we assumed it was your pesky Uncle Roman trying to play a mean trick on us, so your dad and I ran to the fridge where we had water balloons kept just for this moment. We grabbed as many as we could carry and ran as quickly ans quietly as we could to the door then we ripped the door wide open, hoping to catch Uncle Roman by surprise, but instead of your uncle there was you! You were bundled up in a knitted blanket and lying in a basket with a note pinned to the blanket. It said 'this is a good trade for your pumpkin'.
"Now at first your father was very worried, because he thought you might be a vampire baby! But I reminded him that pumpkins don't turn to vampires till after Christmas. After that he agreed to keep you."
Virgil hummed thoughtfully.
"Don't you believe me?" Janus asked innocently.
"Uncle Logan says vampires aren't real."
"That's because your Uncle Logan is terribly boring." He quickly kissed the boy's pudgy cheek. "Run along and play now, I need to finish dinner."
Janus glanced in the rear view mirror at Virgil, strapped safely in his carseat. "Yes, pumpkin?"
"Where did I come from?"
Janus sighed. This time it'd only been a few weeks since the last time Virgil had asked. "Well, one day, I was working late at the library because we had just gotten a new shipment of books and it was my job to make sure they all got logged and had the library's stamp on the inside. It was very dark out side because it was winter now and it was very quiet because the library was closed. Then! Very suddenly and without warning the book drop off panel opened up! Now, this isn't strange during the day, but at night it's very strange indeed. Especially because no books came at all. Instead a voice called out, 'Delivery for Janus the Librarian!', " Janus put on a faux deep voice for that part and it drew a giggle from Virgil. "So I did what any sane person does and I ran outside to get my package. And gets what it was!"
"Was it me?"
Janus smiled and nodded. "It was you. I took you home right away, just in case the delivery man realized he'd made a mistake. It would have made me very sad because I saw you in the little cardboard box and loved you so much I knew immediately that I wanted to keep you forever."
Virgil gave a grin and Janus smiled at his missing front teeth. "Love you, Papa."
"I love you too."
"Papa?" Virgil asked as Janus pushed him on the swing.
"Yes, little one?"
"Where do babies come from?"
Janus blinked, caught off guard by the question. "Why, they're dropped off by messenger falcons, of course." He tried to make it sound like he wasn't asking a question.
"Oh. Is that the bird on Dumbo that brings the babies?"
"No, those are storks," Janus nose scrunched in annoyance. Of course he'd gotten the bird wrong.
"Oh. How come the used the wrong bird in Dumbo?"
"Because Disney think it's funny to get things wrong on purpose. And you can tell Uncle Roman I said so."
"Papa?" Virgil asked as Janus helped him into the car after school.
"Yes, little bug?"
"Did I really come from messenger falcons?"
"No, you were a very special baby. You see, the year you came to us was a very special year. Aaall year long your dad and I did our best to be very, very good. Your dad didn't call Uncle Roman mean names and I even secretly paid other people's library fines for them. Then on the first day of December we wrote letter to Santa telling him about how we had done our very best to be very good. And we asked him if he could give a little baby boy all our own for Christmas that year.
"And then we waited. And it was the longest month of the longest year of my whole life. But finally Christmas morning came and we woke up to the sound of a baby crying and it was the most beautiful sound because we knew we'd gotten our special wish when we got you." Janus lightly booped the end of Virgil’s nose.
"If I write Santa a letter and you and Daddy write Santa letter do you think he'll give me a baby brother for Christmas?"
Janus blinked. He hadn't been expecting that. "We can talk to your dad about the idea."
"Hey, we're home!" Remus called out and slung Virgil’s backpack on the couch.
"How was your day volunteering in class?" Janus asked as he came out of the study.
"Good," Remus answered, slipping an arm around Janus's waist and pulling him into a hug. Janus kissed his cheek, drawing a goofy grin from Remus. "Better now."
"Papa, guess what!" Virgil beamed with excitement.
"What?" Janus asked, matching his tone.
"There was a new kid in class today! His name's Remy and he said I'm adopted like he is!"
Janus's jaw fell open and his head snapped to Remus. "You let someone else tell him he's adopted?" He demanded.
Remus shoved his hands in his pockets and shrugged. "I dunno, babe, I kinda feel like this one is on you. He's been asking about it for like a year now."
"Don't try to pin this on me!"
"Jan, honey, babe, darling, sunflower, light of life, and the reason I get up in the morning." He set his hands on Janus's shoulders. "Ya told the kid you found him in the mailbox. His teacher was getting ready to contact the counselor for you."
"I was just. Waiting for the right time," Janus huffed.
"He's been asking for a year, babe. It was time for him to know. I know it sucks you weren't there for it, but the other kid actually did a really good job of explaining it and in case you couldn't tell, Virgil is really happy to be adopted."
Janus sighed and glanced down at Virgil, who now looked up with worry on his young face.
"Did I make you sad, Papa?"
"No, my love." Janus sat on the floor and held out his arms. Virgil sat on his lap and hugged him tightly. Janus smiled and hugged him tightly. "The day we adopted you was one of the happiest days of my life, I want you to know that. I wouldn't change adopting you for the world. But there were some...difficult things that happened before that. And sometimes the bad things get mixed up with the good things in my brain so it's easier for me to pretend none of it happened at all. And that you just appeared out of nowhere. Because it helps me think of only the good things in that way. But I will never be sad that we adopted you, I promise." Janus pressed a kiss to Virgil’s temple and smiled when Remus settled on the floor with him, enveloping them both in a secure embrace. "I love you, Virgil."
"Love you too, Papa."

(I wish I had a cool title for this pic)
One villainy-evil dukeceit >:)
and a smol more casual dukeceit :D
This whole pose idea was born solely from vibes of the crane wives songs I was listening to while drawing this!
Also I loved the concept of their clashing purposes and stuff too so I tried conveying that as well
As a side note, right now my fav crane wives song is ''Tongues and teeth'' if anyone was interested!!✨
Anyways, Hope you like it!!💖
[Reblogs are super appreciated!!🙌✨]

Dragon Deceit :D or maybe Degon XD
@preyed-llama , did you really think I'd leave out the Demus part of that concept? XD
Btw, the idea is entirely their fault :3
Headcanon Time: Remus is the only side Deceit doesn’t do the hand over the mouth thingy too. Not because he particularly respects him or anything but because whenever he tried to the trash man would always make some terribly sexual comment about gagging.
Demus - Snudes
Remus, trying and failing to Sext Deceit-
Remus: Send me the snudes.
Deceit: The What?
Remus: Ya' know, the snudes. Snake. Nudes.
Deceit: * sends a picture of an actual snake with a tiny top hat on instead of himself *
Deceit: Would this suffice?
Remus: That's not what I meant. > : (
Remus: Also, that snake isn't even nude! They have a hat on-
Deceit: * turns his phone off *
Sanders Sides Fantasy Ships AUs Ideas!
Moxiety 1- A werewolf Patton who befriends Virgil who he believes is a werewolf as well but is actually an Aswang (vampiric shapeshifter) with a black dog form.
Moxiety 2- Gentle Giant Elf! Patton meets an Angry, Dwarf Orc! Virgil while out on patrol near the borders of their territories. The two misfits form an unlikely bond despite being from warring species.
Roceit 1- Gorgon!Deceit, servant of Athena(snakes on head instead of hair, small tusks, bat wings, claws, lower half snake) VS Empusa!Roman, servant of Hecate(flaming hair, one gold leg and the other one a deer leg, vampiric fangs, fiery wings). They first meet at a council of the Greek gods and goddesses while attending to their respective masters, who coincidentally are good friends with each other and decide to play matchmaker for their servants.
Roceit 2- Manticore! Roman versus Sphinx! Deceit, who are both being made to fill in for the Griffins who normally guard the temple of knowledge.
Analogical 1- Both are artificially created/man made 'humans' from the same lab. Logan, an android (called Log-In) VS Virgil, a golem/Frankenstein's monster (called Sigil). But Virgil's a lot smarter than most of the scientists give him credit for and Logan is basically the only one in the lab that acknowledges his capabilities.
Analogical 2- Stormy Mother Nature! Virgil and Studious Father Time! Logan who look after the lesser spirits together but never really talked to each other for all that long until now.
Demus 1- Suave, Vampire! Deceit versus Bumbling, Zombie! Remus who both find each other when they’re complaining at a supernaturally inclined bar about the pains of trying to be abstinent from feeding so they don't ‘scare the other creatures’. Turns out Remus doesn’t have blood for Deceit to thirst over and Deceit’s flesh is too cold for Remus to hunger over. A match made in heaven! Or hell, depending on which bar patron you happen to be asking. (Bonus: They adopt a Ghoul kid together aka little Virgil.)
Demus 2- AU where Deceit is a dragon that normally kidnaps prince Roman, who most of the time ends up just saving himself. But one day he accidentally kidnaps prince Roman's twin brother, Remus, instead. He proceeds to be perpetually confused that Remus seems to not want to escape at all and is rather enthused by the prospect of having a gigantic beast as a self proclaimed new friend.
Logince 1- Real magic, in hiding warlock Logan VS fake magic, famous magician Roman. They keep trying to one up each other and also expose each other.
Logince 2- Fairy Prince! Roman meets Royal Diplomat Mer! Logan at a meeting between the all of the world’s different mythological animals. Cue the saying about the Fish falling in love the Bird.
Anxceit 1- Deceit, a Crossroads demon, keeps constantly competing with and antagonizing Virgil, a Nightmare demon, despite them being in completely different departments of Hell. Now, they have been assigned by one of the Archdemons(Remy?) to team up with/work together in order to investigate rumors of Angels(The other sides?) sneaking into Hell.
Anxceit 2- Yin yang, opposing forces AU with Tiger! Virgil and Dragon! Deceit. They rule over two different sides of animal based yokai.
Prinxiety 1- Gargoyle!Virgil and Vampire!Roman who can both only meet each other at night. First met when Roman was fleeing hunters and ended up nesting on Virgil's statue for the day (not knowing it was a living creature lol).
Prinxiety 2- Elegant, Fire Kitsune! Roman versus Fierce, Storm Raiju! Virgil. They keep accidentally crosses paths with each other while doing their respect jobs of cursing humans(Roman) and creating storms(Virgil).
Dukexiety- Misunderstood, Grim Reaper! Virgil versus Chaos Bringing, Lich! Remus. Remus keeps resurrecting people just so Virgil will have to come see him in order to take their souls back.
Royality- Swan Maiden! Roman, who’s been forced into many marriages before but has always daringly escaped, ends up helping a Selkie! Patton who’s never had his skin stolen before now. They first meet each other when the same powerful and influential man captures both their pelts and immediately form a shaky alliance to find a way out of it.
Loceit- Logan, a secret agent tasked to track down and capture aliens VS Deceit, a lizard person slowly but surely making his way in this new world.
Intrulogical- Forest Guardian, Centaur! Logan verses Trickster of Humans, Satyr! Remus. Logan keeps finding Remus pestering different mortals and having to talk him down each time.
Moraliety- Kelpie!Deceit and Unicorn!Patton. They're both being hunted by a prince wishing to prove himself to his harsh father(Roman?).
Disney Based Sanders Sides Ships AUs Ideas!
Part 1 because this was becoming a long post.
❥ Lady and the Tramp Moxiety AU but with abandoned cat familiar Virgil and neglected dog familiar Patton(his witch keeps paying more attention to other magical creatures they capture than him). Virgil keeps stopping by to warn Patton that 'all witches go for an upgrade eventually' while Patton keeps trying to convince him(and himself) that there's always hope and love in the world.
❥ Roceit Lion King 2 AU but set in modern times with shapeshifters. The dark lands is where the werecats reign while the pride lands are werewolf territory. Roman is the son of the alpha werewolf while deceit is the werehyena from the dark lands that saved his life one day while they were kids. (Patton and Thomas are werewolves. Logan is a werebear that lives in the pride lands. Virgil is a black leopard. Remus is Roman's long lost half brother who's half werecoyote/half puma that was banished to the dark lands. Remy is a fox who lives in the dark lands.)
❥ Analogical Atlantis AU but set in the lost kingdom of Roanoke (based on the Lost Colony but changed a lot for the au) instead of Atlantis. Virgil's people and inherited royal powers are more shadow based instead of water based(They kind of look like dark elves). Logan is a traveling conspiracy theorist with a blog and YouTube channel that leads a team to finding it.
❥ High School Musical Logince AU with Roman who's the top jock in school that secretly wants to perform in the drama club and Logan as the super smart new student that immediately joined the debate team and academic club but has an appreciation for poetry and after meeting Roman has started liking the theater too...
❥ Aladdin Anxceit AU with Deceit as the prince who sneaks out of the castle grounds and has a giant pet anaconda that scares his guards and Virgil as the street rat with a ferret who helps him steal things. Virgil does pretend to be a prince at first to get into the castle BUT tells Dee who he really is as soon as they're alone together. Together they then both keep up the ruse for a while whenever they're in front of Deceit's controlling father and his advisors.
❥ Hunchback of Notre Dame Demus AU with scaly, snakey 'deformed' Deceit and gypsy jester Remus. Deceit was kept locked up in the town’s clock tower by his adoptive father due to his snake-like appearance making people think he’s possessed by a demon. Remus is a jester but still leader of the rogue gypsies and is used to taking ‘misfits’ under his wing.
What other fandors mean when they say the sides are all dating each other: LAMP or DLAMP
My weird ass:

i was clicking through stories on snapchat and this one kid posted a yolo thing. someone sent him “🐍🐍” and he replied “🐙🐙” and i just- demus
"It was Logan, i killed logan."

I’mma just gonna drop this here-
(All of this is just my opinion, BTW.)
Janus and Remus spent a lot of time together
Virgil and Roman are being really soft together
I’m waiting for the Logicality of it all
hfdsjkfh! Oh my goodness this was absolutely perfect! I loved the entire work and oh my goodness I loved the gift scene and the mistletoe scene they both made my heart melt! Thank you so much for this, it was such an adorable fluffy Christmas story!
An Eve to Remember
This is my gift of @destinys-dragon. I’ve had creative block for nearly a whole month… I cranked out more than half of this today in 4ish hours so I’m glad to finally be able to gift this to you. I picked one of your more complicated prompts (I think) to write, but I did it!
Summary: Thomas Sanders is trying to get a good nights rest for Christmas the next day, but a confusing appearance in his own mind leads him down a different path to… his own living room? Not everything’s the same in his mind but by golly he is going to help his Sides the best he can to make sure that that night is the best Christmas (eve) they’ve had yet.
Parings: LAMP and Dukeciet/Demus
Word count: 4902 / 4.9k
Warning: Disorientation, slightly disturbing visuals, (passionate) Kissing,
Thomas took a few experimental blinks as the heady feeling of drowsiness slowly ebbed away. His hand sluggishly rubbed his brow, insistent on kneading the fuzziness in his head out. Maybe then he could remember exactly how he got there.
Where am I?
His eyes very, very slowly adjusted to surroundings as his hands skirted across the tile-
The… tile… under him?
Keep reading
Deceit: What's your body count?
Remus: For what?
Deceit: How many people you've slept with
Remus: Oh I thought you found the basement
Deceit: We have a basement?
Janus: ...
Virgil: You haven't....
Janus: ...
Janus: 👉👈 we could if you-
Yk how Remus says stuff that could mean he and Janus are a thing? But Janus doesn’t do the same for Remus? Like not even once. It could hint that Remus has a one sided thing for Janus.
For angsty reason Janus could possibly know this and uses it to get Remus to do stuff for him and for his own gain.