Actually A System - Tumblr Posts

Greaser Ghosts get to watch the silly Greaser Movie. (Their reactions were cute so I drew it) -Embrys
I remember being really upset about something earlier today and now it's like midnight and Cronus Ampora and Terezi Pyrope are dancing to Will Wood in my bathroom while they dye the body's hair XD (This is ment so genuinely)
being a system is the silliest because i will be literally having a breakdown sobbing on the floor but the right thing triggers me and suddenly fluttershy is cleaning my kitchen
sometimes i fear that it is i that is the "voice commenting on [one's] actions,"
i talk to this vague individual and describe to them everything, (and even describe it usually in the past tense).
i've often felt like i just came and replaced whoever was here before.
does anyone else feel like they werent the original person in their body and that they replaced whoever was before them or is it just me.
Some of y'all really need to read up on the structural disassociation theory btw
Wishing all "trans"abled people a horrible disability pride month because it's not yours. You abelist fuck. You don't deserve anything.
Reblog if you're a real disabled person.
Reblogging for anyone who might be interested. We joined the testing program right before the app was fully released.✨️
You can import things from Pluralkit into the bot so you don't have to remake your entire system. The app has collective journals and alter-specific journals. It has global autoproxy, so you don't have to type pk;ap l first thing into every server you join lol (they are planning on making this feature opt-in from what I remember).
It uses slash commands and the commands do that (Only you can see this message) so you don't spam servers when editing shit. There's no long list of commands to memorize because you can just type "/" and fuck around.
It's good, is what I'm saying.💖
Octocon is a new app for systems. It's anti endo and made by traumagenic systems. It also has a discord bot that is a lot easier to use than pk in my opinion. You can also sync your app and the bot so you can edit alters in the app. The app is on android already and coming to IOS soon. Hope this helps some people :)
(If you're in a server, I recommend adding this bot as more people are starting to use it instead of pk and tupperbox)