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have some doodles of the batfam mambers as cats :)

Steph! Steph! Steph!
idea: batman and the robins never acknowledge that there have been different robins. like they all act that there's only been one and that they're the same person basically.
Justice League who's used to teen dick not kid jason: who is this child?
Batman: what do you mean, it's robin.
Batman and Tim walking through the watchtower:
Justice League who remembers robin literally dying: ...*side eye*...
Flash: batman… who is this?
Batman: robin. you’ve met before. several times.
Flash: no, i met a black haired boy. this is a blonde girl!
Batman: her name is robin
Superman: it's time for you to explain. where are you getting all these children?
Batman: i have no idea what you're talking about.
Superman *pointing to damian*: who is this kid?!
Damian: i'm robin. i'm offended you would even ask that? don't you remember *proceeds to recite a story dick told him of his robin days*
barbara gordon: I hope paul blart just becomes one of those things that just continues to get sequels for absolutely no reason where the sequels try to be bigger than the last and it gets to the point of where they just send him into space.
dick grayson: Paul Blart Mall Cop.
cassandra cain: Paul Blart Mall Cop 2.
jason todd: Paul Blart Mall Cop 3.
stephanie brown: Paul Blart Mall Cop 4: The Final Chapter.
tim drake: Paul Blart Mall Cop 5: A New Beginning.
duke thomas: Paul Blart Mall Cop 6: Blart Lives.
damian wayne: Paul Blart Mall Cop 7: The New Mall.
luke fox: Paul Blart Mall Cop 8: Paul Takes Manhattan.
jean-paul valley: Paul Blart Mall Cop 9: The Final Mall Cop.
bette kane: Blart X.
kate kane: Paul Blart vs. Larry the Cable Guy.
barbara gordon: Paul Blart (2046 Remake).
dick: there’s only one thing worse than dying
dick: *rips paper off to reveal the words ‘Damian dying’*
jason: demon spawn
steph: bat brat
damian, nodding: myself
multilingual batkids. they learn each others languages so they can mix and match. for example:
tim in french: have you figured out how we’re gonna tell b we’re not going to that gala yet?
damian in arabic: no i thought that was thomas’ job?
duke french: me? no jason said he’d do something
jason in arabic: hey don’t drag me into this!
dick in romani: i’m gonna kill him i really i am
steph in russian: who are we killing?
dick in english: ah! nobody! wait i didn’t know you spoke romani
tim in greek: you’re an asshole
jason in english: wait my greek is rusty say it again slowly
tim in greek: you’re an asshole
jason: …. you motherfucker
cass signing: nice drawing
damian in chinese: thank you
dick yelling at bruce about something he did
jason in spanish: what language is he speaking right now?
tim also in spanish: uh all of them i think
jason: does bruce even know-
tim: no he doesn’t
Some more batfam as shit my family said; pt.2
Bruce: *holds a shirt at the store*
Alfie: are you sure thats a 100% cotton?
Bruce: I think so? Why?
Alfie: that means its the good shit
(I love my grandma)
Tim, after fucking up his food for the second time: what! again? How?
Jason: I think you should just stop trying, you're going to burn the house down and my pc is to heavy to move it so quick
Steph, wearing a pink peel-off face mask: hey
Dick: *scream high enough for dogs to hear it*
Steph: what?
Dick: oh god i thought your skin was peeling off oh my god
Bruce, jokingly: so who wants to get tickled to death
Tim: me!
Jason: Tim!
9 year old Duke: *trying to write something meaningfull and cool*
Bruce: what ya doin'?
Duke: *slams notebook closed* you wouldnt understand *runs to his room*
I'm gonna redraw one (or a couple) piece(s) that I've done, so if u want,,,, tell me which ones u want to see re-done
multilingual batkids. they learn each others languages so they can mix and match. for example:
tim in french: have you figured out how we’re gonna tell b we’re not going to that gala yet?
damian in arabic: no i thought that was thomas’ job?
duke french: me? no jason said he’d do something
jason in arabic: hey don’t drag me into this!
dick in romani: i’m gonna kill him i really i am
steph in russian: who are we killing?
dick in english: ah! nobody! wait i didn’t know you spoke romani
tim in greek: you’re an asshole
jason in english: wait my greek is rusty say it again slowly
tim in greek: you’re an asshole
jason: …. you motherfucker
cass signing: nice drawing
damian in chinese: thank you
dick yelling at bruce about something he did
jason in spanish: what language is he speaking right now?
tim also in spanish: uh all of them i think
jason: does bruce even know-
tim: no he doesn’t
Ppl who draw Jason with autopsy scars are doing the lords work 🫡
Okay so I haven't read it and I have no idea if the Batkids even knew they existed until right before it all went down, but. What if, during "We are Robin" the Batkids all stopped by every now and then to tell them stories of their Robin days so that this gang of kids gets to troll the JL along with them.
Superman hesitated, glancing down at the group of kids, bloodstained in the midst of Gotham dirt and rubble.
They watched him as one, heads tilting in exactly the same way and eyes tracing his every movement. Clark suspected that if he paid attention to what he could hear, there would be only one heartbeat, simultaneously breathing. He didn't dare, but he made a mental note.
Bruce wouldn't like this.
So the Kryptonian took a deep breath.
"Who are you?"
They smiled.
"We are Robin."
Superman stared.
One of them, appearing to be a teen with hair as black as Batman's cape and skin the shade of stained mahogany, spoke, seemingly the front for this hivemind. "Don't you remember, Supes? We met before the Justice League even formed, when you noticed our heartbeat as we hid under B's cape."
Clark looked at them.
Too many glittering eyes stared back, and he nodded, slowly.
"Okay... Very nice. I'm going to go before Batman gets angry about me chasing down a Metropolis Rogue in his territory. Just... Don't kill anyone?" he pleaded.
He turned and fled, cape fluttering in the wind as Robin laughed.
idea: batman and the robins never acknowledge that there have been different robins. like they all act that there's only been one and that they're the same person basically.
Justice League who's used to teen dick not kid jason: who is this child?
Batman: what do you mean, it's robin.
Batman and Tim walking through the watchtower:
Justice League who remembers robin literally dying: ...*side eye*...
Flash: batman… who is this?
Batman: robin. you’ve met before. several times.
Flash: no, i met a black haired boy. this is a blonde girl!
Batman: her name is robin
Superman: it's time for you to explain. where are you getting all these children?
Batman: i have no idea what you're talking about.
Superman *pointing to damian*: who is this kid?!
Damian: i'm robin. i'm offended you would even ask that? don't you remember *proceeds to recite a story dick told him of his robin days*
Oh gosh y e s.
This is perfect and I shall have to write up some cryptid Batfam angsting and terrifying the JL tomorrow
idea: batman and the robins never acknowledge that there have been different robins. like they all act that there's only been one and that they're the same person basically.
Justice League who's used to teen dick not kid jason: who is this child?
Batman: what do you mean, it's robin.
Batman and Tim walking through the watchtower:
Justice League who remembers robin literally dying: ...*side eye*...
Flash: batman… who is this?
Batman: robin. you’ve met before. several times.
Flash: no, i met a black haired boy. this is a blonde girl!
Batman: her name is robin
Superman: it's time for you to explain. where are you getting all these children?
Batman: i have no idea what you're talking about.
Superman *pointing to damian*: who is this kid?!
Damian: i'm robin. i'm offended you would even ask that? don't you remember *proceeds to recite a story dick told him of his robin days*
You know, I wish DC had a show where it just surrounded Cassandra Cain, Stephanie Brown, Harper Row, and Duke Thomas. I don't care if they're all working as a team or has the characters have their individual arcs, I just want to see some TV media with these guys.
If you were wondering, is my favourite character autistic? The answer is most likely: yes, of course.
Red Hood and SwapAu! Steph called Black Mask be like:
Random goon: "What? You named yourself Hood? What're you gonna say next? Your buddy there is called Helmet or Mask or something?"
Jason: ...
Steph: ...
Random goon: Are you kidding me?
The Bat's Body Proportions but said in the most unflattering way possible
Bruce - Tall as a brick, built like a brick, flat on all sides but somehow still does shit. No flexibility at all and will get arthritis no matter what. Starts complaining about back pain in his 20s. Dislocated so many joints so many times most of them are metal.
Dick - Huge ass, minimum tits possible. He has pecs ofc he is a trained and practicing athlete, he however does not have the genes for big, he has the genes for flexible. If he had huge tits his shoulders would not survive and he needs those. Grows out hair to wide his inexistent back muscles, well he has them but its not that noticeable. Again, not born to get a bodybuilder body.
Jason - Also built like a brickhouse but he actually cares about movement and flexibility. He doesnt have much but he practices it and it is actually a really healthy practice. Huge tits. No ass. Flatest ass in the world. His pecs are huge though. He builds muscle and it shows.
Cass - Exactly like a ballerina body. Seems to have no muscles, every single muscle to her eyelids is stronger than an olympic athlete. Does not look like it but she outruns cars on the occasion. Can do unimaginable feats of strength in the most complicated outfits. She doesnt though, comfy outfits for the win.
Tim - Built like a victorian sickly child. For most of his life. He does grow at like 25 or something, i can see a shape like the flashes. Lean but definitely muscly. No tits and no ass he's still flat sorry. Continues looking like a sick victorian though, no longer a child.
Steph - You know those wrestling buff women? Thats her. She builds a lot of muscle, which she didnt know for a long time because her dad is a twink and her mother didn't work out as much as her. Somewhere between them she got the genes to grow a lot of muscles.
Damian - I cannot see him as nothing but a child but if Jon is aged up so is he. Let me cook. Definitely Bruce's jaw and general build, but he gets a lot from Talia and Ra's. Less broad shoulders, but big arms, his shape is like Bruce but if you squeezed his shoulders a bit together. Making it a lot of even. No he does not have a snatched waist, im sorry, your batman babygirl is still unbelievably flat and so is his son. Definitely has the flexibility, less than Dick but a lot more than Jason.
Duke - He has the arms of an olympic thrower or whatever those are called. Out of everyone i feel like he has the biggest arms, he however is a bit shittier at running but you know what he can just get a ride on someone idk. But thats just right now, he eventually will learn not to skip leg day. He hits hard though. Green lantern knows that, lmao get drop kicked. He's really good at the grappling bit though, he wasn't at first but boy does he fly.
Honourable mentions:
Alfred - you never know what a suit can hide
Barbara - she can lift Dick up
Helena - wrestling woman
Kate - military woman
Selina - you cannot even think she has muscles, you're wrong though
Luke - bitch baby with a tech suit, got sloppy ( not biased ) all /j i love him i know hes like a boxer or something
Steph is the riddles and poems vigilante.
Its not jason, he, while very smart dont get me wrong, is the literature, general knowledge / history, strategy guy. The reason he's smart is because he is cultured.
Tim isnt the riddles guy either, he can solve them dont get me wrong, but he solves them because he can recognise patterns and systems and different languages. If there was a new way of decoding riddles, he'd find the answer, but it would take a while.
Steph however, her whole thing is making the clues, making the codes, making the riddles. She solves riddles easily because she puts herself in the riddle maker's shoes. She understands the poems, she gets the clues, she knows enough of gotham to know what a gothamite knows. She's middle class, she heard as many rogues plans and she did girls gossip.
She may not be a literature nerd or someone with so many pattern recognition they might be the poster child for autism, but she does know her riddles because she understands.
Bats builds headcanons p2 olympics edition:
The olympics thing is like a half truth
Bruce: older kickboxer build, a bit more heavy than your usual kickboxer
Dick: acrobat build obviously but he's a rings guy, those triceps are huge
Jason: deadlifter build, a lot of weight and a lot of muscle
Tim: im gonna give him a cyclist build but hes not really a cyclist, he would probably play volley if he was a bit taller
Steph: runner and track build 100%
Damian: kickboxer build but younger, so less bulkier than bruce
Cass: dancer but not olympics dancer/gymnast, like professional ballet/contemporary/modern dancer who is paid to go to the studio and gym everyday, longer than a 9 to 5 and never get out of shape. Those dancers are absolute monsters im telling you /pos
Babs: pre-Oracle is swimmer build, arms bigger than legs but legs equality strong, post-oracle is heavy bow build, those arms are very strong and shoulders are flexible
Duke: marathon build but i could see him in beach volley or badminton