Schizophrenic Spectrum - Tumblr Posts

7 months ago

One thing that annoys me the most about some of my family members is.

I start talking about my hallucinations and they try to make it all about spirits n shit.

it's not, you stupid imbeciles I can't.

How in tf do you explain it to them?

Plus my stupid bio dad wants to say his father got schizophrenia from carbon monoxide poisoning from his car like huh?

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6 months ago

Y'know sometimes it takes some tik toks to make you really think..

I don't think I've really thought about or realized how much my childhood really shaped me into the person I am..

How instead of male yelling voices it's female yelling voices that trigger me the most I feel like a lil kid again scared and afraid and I hate feeling like that.

Same old thing no one notices it I tell them but they ignore me.

My mother says are triggers are our own and need to deal with them on our own..

But how when you've never learned how too?

I have audhd and she knows this she's been told since my childhood in school and out of school that things will be harder for me to learn...

Idk I think she thinks I make excuses for why I can't do certain things..

She makes things ten times harder on me "oh it's not that hard" " you can do it it's not that hard" but it is and I don't have the ability to really explain why I can't do it...

It seems like this is just me complaining about the same ol things I already have...

I know I'm pathetic I'm 25 n still living with my mom but I don't have anywhere else to go..

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11 months ago

Random (pop culture) psychology headcanon #1

Sunny(from OMORI) has Schizoid personality disorder

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11 months ago

Random (pop culture) psychology headcanon #2

ENA(from Joel G on YouTube) has Schizoaffective disorder

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10 months ago

Random (pop culture) psychology headcanon #11

Bianca Abercrombie(from Clinic of Horrors) has Schizoid personality disorder

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10 months ago

Random psychology disorder (somewhat) explained #3 (Factitious Disorder)

Diagnostic Criteria

Factitious Disorder Imposed on Self

A. Falsification of physical or psychological signs or symptoms, or induction of injury or disease, associated with identified deception.

B. The individual presents himself or herself to others as ill, impaired, or injured.

C. The deceptive behavior is evident even in the absence of obvious external rewards.

D. The behavior is not better explained by another mental disorder, such as delusional disorder or another psychotic disorder.

Factitious Disorder Imposed on Another (Previously Factitious Disorder by Proxy)

A. Falsification of physical or psychological signs or symptoms, or induction of injury or disease, in another, associated with identified deception.

B. The individual presents another individual (victim) to other as ill, impaired, or injured.

C. The deceptive behavior is evident even in the absence of external rewards.

D. The behavior is not better explained by another mental disorder, such as delusional disorder or another psychotic disorder.

Note: The perpetrator, not the victim, receives the diagnosis.

Diagnostic Features

The essential feature of factitious disorder is the falsification of medical or psychological signs and symptoms in the individual or others that are associated with the identified deception.

Individuals with factitious disorder can also seek treatment for themselves or another following induction of injury or disease.

The diagnosis requires demonstrating that the individual is taking surreptitious actions to misrepresent, simulate, or cause signs or symptoms of illness or injury even in the absence of obvious external rewards.

The diagnosis of factitious disorder emphasizes the objective identification of falsification of signs and symptoms of illness and not the individual motivations of the falsifier.

Methods of illness falsification can include exaggeration, fabrication, simulation, and induction.

While a preexisting medical condition may be present, the deceptive behavior or induction of injury associated with deception causes others to view such individuals (or, in the case of factitious disorder imposed on another, the victim) as more ill or impaired, and this can lead to excessive clinical intervention.

Individuals with factitious disorder might, for example, report feelings of depression and suicidal thoughts or behavior following the death of a spouse despite the death not being true or the individual's not having a spouse; deceptively report episodes of neurological symptoms (e.g., seizures, dizziness, or blacking out); manipulate a laboratory test (e.g., by adding blood to urine) to falsely indicate an abnormality; falsify medical records to indicate an illness; ingest a substance (e.g., insulin or warfarin) to induce an abnormal laboratory result or illness; or physically injure themselves or induce illness in themselves or another (e.g., by injecting fecal material to produce an abscess or to induce sepsis).

Although individuals with factitious disorder most often present to health care professionals for treatment of their factitious symptoms, some individuals with factitious disorder choose to mislead community members in person or online about illness or injury without necessarily engaging health care professionals.

Associated Features

Individuals with factitious disorder imposed on self or factitious disorder imposed on another are at risk for experiencing great psychological distress or functional impairment by causing harm to themselves and others.

Family, friends, faith leaders, and health care professionals are also often adversely affected by their behavior (e.g., devoted time, attention, and resources to provide medical care and emotional support to the falsifier).

Individuals with factitious disorder imposed on another sometimes falsely allege the presence of educational deficits or disabilities in their children for which they demand special attention, often at considerable inconvenience to education professionals.

Whereas some aspects of factitious disorders might represent criminal behavior (e.g., factitious disorder imposed on another, in which the parent's actions represent abuse and maltreatment of a child), such criminal behavior and mental illness are not mutually exclusive.

Moreover, such behaviors, including the induction of injury or disease, are associated with deception.

Differential Diagnosis

Deception to avoid legal liability. Caregivers who lie about abuse injuries in dependents solely to protect themselves from liability are not diagnosed with factitious disorder imposed on another because protection from liability is an external reward (Criterion C, the deceptive behavior is evident even in the absence of obvious external rewards).

Such caregivers who, upon observation, analysis of medical records, and/or interviews with others, are found to lie more extensively than needed for immediate self-protection are diagnosed with factitious disorder imposed on another.

Somatic symptom and related disorders. In somatic symptom disorder and the care-seeking type of illness anxiety disorder, there may be excessive attention and treatment seeking for perceived medical concerns, but there is no evidence that the individual is providing false information or behaving deceptively.

Malingering. Malingering is differentiated from factitious disorder by the intentional reporting of symptoms for personal gain (e.g., money, time off work).

In contrast, the diagnosis of factitious disorder requires that the illness falsification is not fully accounted for by external rewards.

Factitious disorder and malingering are not mutually exclusive, however.

The motives in any single case might be multiple and shifting depending on the circumstances and reactions of others.

Functional neurological symptom disorder (conversion disorder). Functional neurological symptom disorder is characterized by neurological symptoms that are inconsistent with neurological pathophysiology.

Factitious disorder with neurological symptoms is distinguished from functional neurological symptom disorder by evidence of deceptive falsification of symptoms.

Borderline personality disorder. Deliberate physical self-harm in the absence of suicidal intent can also occur in association with other mental disorders such as borderline personality disorder.

Factitious disorder requires that the induction of injury occur in association with deception.

Medical condition or mental disorder not associated with intentional symptom falsifitcation. Presentation of signs and symptoms of illness that do not conform to an identifiable medical condition or mental disorder increases the likelihood of the presence of a factitious disorder.

However, the diagnosis of factitious disorder does not exclude the presence of a true medical condition or mental disorder, as comorbid illness often occurs in the individual along with factitious disorder.

For example, individuals who might manipulate blood sugar levels to produce symptoms may also have diabetes.

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6 months ago

More people need to know that:

You can have mood swings and abandonment issues without having BPD.

You can have problems with change and social issues without having autism.

You can have intrusive thoughts and compulsions without having OCD.

Yes, those traits are the criteria for those disorders but you can have the traits without having the actual disorder.

If it doesn’t cause distress to you or the people around you, it’s a personality trait not a disorder.

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6 months ago

How I have forgotten that I have schizophrenia and why realistic representation of schizophrenia matters

So lately I've been feeling quite anxious about life and death and the universe, and I have some hypochondriac tendencies.

"Wow I would think I am going to die! But on the other hand I think I am going to die at least 3 times a week"

And today I thought, could I have ADHD? And I read through the criteria and I realised I do relate to them a lot, it matches. But then I thought: maybe a should actually read a little about the diagnosis I already have which are autism and schizophrenia and suddenly it all clicked!

I had sort of "undiagnosed" myself with schizophrenia because things actually got better, I am on antipsychotic medication which works for me, and the antidepressants help a lot with my mood.

But the thing is, there are 3 categories of schizophrenia symptoms:

Positive symptoms (hallucinations, paranoia, delusions, experiences that are added to the person due to schizophrenia)

Negative symptoms (depression like symptoms, experiences that are taken away from the person due to schizophrenia i.e. the feeling of joy and enjoyment due to anhedonia)

Cognitive symptoms (executive dysfunction, concentration problems, disorganised thinking etc.)

The antipsychotics make the hallucinations and delusions manageable, I am actually not at all bothered by them (remember not everyone will react to medication the same way, and medication is not for everyone but it works for me).

And the antidepressants take away the depression like negative symptoms which I struggled with A LOT.

And I kind of thought 'now I am cured!'

But I absolutely forgot about the cognitive symptoms.

I live in a place where there is understanding staff and everyone here have different issues so it's a very accepting place but I forget that society's outlook on schizophrenia still affects me, without even realising that I was affected. Society views schizophrenic people as dangerous and freaks at worst and as if schizophrenia is ONLY delusions and hallucinations at (in my experience) best. And since I couldn't resonate with either of those views it lead me to 'undiagnose' myself with schizophrenia.

THIS is why we need proper representation of schizophrenia in society, I understand now.

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11 months ago

why are non psychotics so obsessed with "schizocore" and then always use it to be racist or triggering shit is so exhausting

man i hate the internet people be normal for once

those fucking "delulu" mfs too SHUT UUUUUP

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10 months ago
screenshot of a tumblr comment by @rachymarie reading Guys i wonder if we could get together and mass report all these harmful tags and get them banned from site cos it's actually against TOS to incite hatred and dehumanization etc of a disability etc??? The only problem is do we actually have the energy to fill the forms 😫 obv only reporting the actual "schizopost" kind of content not the good folks critiquing the trends lol


tags in mind are stuff like schizocore, schizoposting delulu is the solulu and the fog is coming. shit like that and just anything that is harmful to psychotics & schizospec

the post this is referring to:

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7 months ago

I need to stop masking, let people have a glimpse at the real me.

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I have two new paintings available for grabs!

I Have Two New Paintings Available For Grabs!
I Have Two New Paintings Available For Grabs!

if you’d like to snag one please shoot me a message.

Please reblog to support a schizophrenic artist 💚

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