Sounds - Tumblr Posts
The sound of the waterfall soothes the mind and body.
Not many people have a waterfall close by, so please refresh yourself with the sound of this waterfall.
Poem: The Sound of Sleeplessness
The whirring of a ceiling fan
Revolving at full speed
Is the sound of sleeplessness
That plays in place of dreams.
“The thick silence
furnished the room
with textures and layers
of movement. Hushed
hums of the AC
turning on and off
again are paced in six
minute increments.
Muted conversations
on the TV screen
end with kisses
to fill the night.
Faint creaks from sturdy walls
and old floorboards
crawl through the
stillness. Rattles
from the ceiling fan
travel, spin,
and seep in
the thick silence,
furnishing the room;
and I thought, for a second,
I heard you.
An abused person masters the art of silence. You sob quietly, scream quietly, pick yourself up from the ground and assess your injuries quietly. You discover a way to perform all your tasks making as little noise as possible.
You forget the sound of your voice, and all the little sounds of life become a deafening crime you hope go unnoticed.
Ambient sounds for writers
Find the right place to write your novel…
Arctic ocean
Blizzard in village
Blizzard in pine forest
Blizzard from cave
Blizzard in road
Ocean storm
Ocean rocks with rain
River campfire
Forest in the morning
Forest at night
Forest creek
Rainforest creek
Rain on roof window
Rain on tarp tent
Rain on metal roof
Rain on window
Rain on pool
Rain on car at night
Seaside storm
Swamp at night
Winter creek
Winter wind
Winter wind in forest
Howling wind
Barn with rain
Coffee shop
Restaurant with customers
Restaurant with few customers
Garden with pond and waterfall
Fireplace in log living room
Call center
Street market
Study room from victorian house with rain
Trailer with rain
Tent with rain
Jacuzzi with rain
Server room
Fictional places
Chloe’s room (Life is Strange)
Blackwell dorm (Life is Strange)
Two Whales Diner (Life is Strange)
Star Wars apartment (Star Wars)
Star Wars penthouse (Star Wars)
Tatooine (Star Wars)
Coruscant with rain (Star Wars)
Yoda’s hut with rain ( Star Wars)
Luke’s home (Star Wars)
Death Star hangar (Star wars)
Azkaban prison (Harry Potter)
Hogwarts library with rain (Harry Potter)
Ravenclaw common room (Harry Potter)
Hufflepuff common room (Harry Potter)
Slytherin common room (Harry Potter)
Gryffindor common room (Harry Potter)
Hagrid’s hut (Harry Potter)
Hobbit-hole house (The Hobbit)
Diamond City (Fallout 4)
Washing machine
Boat engine room
Cruising boat
Train ride
Train ride in the rain
Train station
Plane trip
Private jet cabin
Airplane cabin
Airport lobby
First class jet
Fireplace in medieval tavern
Medieval town
Medieval docks
Medieval city
Pirate ship in tropical port
Ship on rough sea
Ship cabin
Ship sleeping quarter
Titanic first class dining room
Old west saloon
Spaceship bedroom
Space station
Cyberpunk tearoom
Cyberpunk street with rain
Futuristic server room
Futuristic apartment with typing
Futuristic rooftop garden
Steampunk balcony rain
Harbor with rain
City with rain
City ruins turned swamp
Rusty sewers
Train station
Haunted mansion
Haunted road to tavern
Stormy night
Creepy forest
New York
Paris bistro
Tokyo street
Chinese hotel lobby
Asian street at nightfall
Asian night market
Cantonese restaurant
Coffee shop in Japan
Coffee shop in Paris
Coffee shop in Korea
British library
Trips, rides and walkings
Trondheim - Bodø
Amsterdam - Brussels
Glasgow - Edinburgh
Oxford - Marylebone
Seoul - Busan
Gangneung - Yeongju
Tokyo metro
Osaka - Kyoto
Osaka - Kobe
São Paulo
Ho Chi Minh (Saigon)
New York
Hong Kong
Jean Bodt sound like an obscure Korean dish

Marco Kirschtein sounds like an asshole

and probably gives himself an equally assholish nickname like

Oh dear, it looks like things didn't quite end up the way Washington had in mind.
We would like to apologise for the possibly somewhat unfortunate comparison between Adolf Hitler and Donald Trump. There are few similarities between the two. While Hitler as a person was characterised by a pathological megalomania and a lack of empathy, Trump also has these characteristics according to current scientific knowledge, but he cannot paint.

We do not adhere to the doctrine of reincarnation; however, we are currently reconsidering this stance. It is possible that an individual may exhibit a diminished capacity for rational thought, yet retain the capacity to inflict significant harm.

Get out and vote, because if you don't, there won't be another election, Trump says so.
What an incredible film! The skinhead listens to music through a plug in his ear the whole time, and eventually we find out what he's listening to.

When we saw this film, we were blown away and wished we could live in a loft like this. Unfortunately, our funds were too limited, but it was still a great experience!
The moped was really the hottest shit and the stunts were a pleasure.

BBC2 Moviedrome (1988)
Diva (1981)
You don't need a band to do hip-hop; you only need a DJ.
The best thing about being a DJ is making people happy. There is nothing like seeing people get up from a table to dance or the expression on their face when they hear a song they love. I also love to educate people on music they have never heard.
Chelsea Leyland
My brain is a big cluster of stuff. It moves quickly and loses focus quickly, so I need many projects to keep me stimulated - it's a luxury to be able to do lots of different things: style, write, present, DJ or just consult. It can't be any other way; I think I would shrivel up and fall asleep forever.
Alexa Chung
I'm a home DJ, creating playlist after playlist for all kinds of possibilities. What used to be a real pain with the DJSet is now just a few clicks away.
I love a good DJ or MC who can really get the crowd going. When I come out of a club in the morning, I want to be sweaty and happy.
A good DJ plays for the audience, a bad one just for himself.

There's nothing better than rocking out after midnight! It's like candy for us.
Furthermore, this approach can be applied to a diverse range of musical styles, provided that the necessary adaptations are made. Smile
You know I need your love.......

Oh snap. The queen is back🤩🥳
Sneak Peek: What's Wrong with Director Ortega?
Long-simmering on the back burner, here's a synopsis and an excerpt from this OT7 mini series that's sure to be a lot of fun... Loosely inspired by What's Wrong with Secretary Kim?
Synopsis: In the tallest tower in the city of Seoul, there is a corporate kingdom whose empire stretches around the world. It is ruled by seven vice chairmen, all of whom lord over their own little departmental fiefdoms. With so many different ruling styles, they don’t have much in common save for the one director they can’t live without. Unfortunately for Director Ortega, heavy is the head who wears that crown. Seven demanding bosses and no time for herself forces her to reconsider what she wants out of life, which may just be the thing to force the self-proclaimed Kings of Seoul to reconsider what they want from her…
“That is Director Ortega. She is one of the most revered employees at this company. If you ever have the occasion to work with her, you will understand why. She knows absolutely everything that goes on in every department better than any of the vice chairmen. Nothing escapes her notice, which is why she’s so heavily relied upon.”
“Which department is hers?” Intern Wong wondered.
“Which department isn’t,” laughed the HR specialist. “Director Ortega has a hand in everything because she has to, especially considering to whom she reports, but her actual title is Director of Facilitation. She oversees all administration here, top to bottom, but more than that, for all intents and purposes, she oversees the vice chairmen.”
“She has been here 14 years, longer than any of the men up on stage, longer than even I have,” continued the older company man. “The old Chairman himself hired her when he was on a business trip to the United States.”
“She’s American?”
“Yes, and half-Korean, actually. She speaks four languages as well, and, over the past couple years, she’s been learning two more.”
“She’s a wonder,” Intern Wong marveled.
“She would have to be to impress Chairman Choi. Director Ortega was the Chairman’s personal secretary for ten years before he retired and handed the company over to his seven grandsons.”
“Fourteen years seems like too long for such a young woman,” the fledgling purchaser mused, eyes still fixed to the director on stage.
The HR specialist sniffed a laugh. “I told you she has a face that doesn’t age. She’s older than you think.”
“Much too sophisticated for a freshman like you,” teased Intern Wong’s female coworker. “Keep your head in your station.”
“This will be the only glimpse of her you get, young buck,” added the senior purchaser. “She rarely comes down to Purchasing, maybe a few times a year, and when she does, she speaks only with Director Kim Doyoung. I’ve never seen her in our office for more than five minutes.”
The woman smirked. “What Mr. Moon is trying to say, very politely I might add, is that she’s out of your league.”
“And more importantly,” the HR specialist chimed in again, “off limits.”
“Employees date each other here,” the intern protested.
But Mr. Moon shook his head. “Yeah, but they don’t date Director Ortega, understand?”
“I didn’t even suggest anything, geez,” the intern pouted.
Mr. Moon stared at the young man knowingly. “I’ve seen that look in a lot of men’s eyes over the past decade. I say this as a friend: if you want to be promoted to purchaser full-time, Intern Wong, I suggest you look only on the Director with admiration.”
“I do,” the kid muttered and immediately steered the conversation somewhere gentler. “Director Ortega must know everything there is to know about this place if she’s been here that long and that high up.”
“Exactly!” agreed Mr. Moon. “She’s so important that all seven vice chairmen share her.”
The intern and a few other nearby newer employees leaned in, both interested and confused.
“Now, how can seven executives share one assistant?” wondered the female purchaser.
Mr. Moon looked on the rapt row of coworkers like a librarian leading a storytelling session. “Director Ortega is the only connection those men have beside a grandfather.”
“They’re related?” Intern Wong asked.
The older man nodded. “Brothers, half-brothers or cousins, right, Mr. Cho?”
The HR specialist shrugged his mouth sternly. “No one resents that fact more than they do. Were it not for Director Ortega, they’d have nothing to do with each other. You’d think they live on seven different continents if they didn't share one atrium on the 28th floor.”
Intern Wong’s brow furrowed. “But how exactly does one woman bridge all those continents daily?”
“Every day,” Mr. Moon explained, “the Director spends one hour with each vice chairman, and when his hour is up, she moves on down the hall.”
“Are you serious?” blurted the female purchaser.
“I am.”
“Don’t they each have their own secretary?” asked the intern. “I’m sure they have way too much work for one hour.”
This time, a middle-aged manager further down the row answered, “Of course! But Director Ortega is in charge of all of their executive assistants, too. The last hour of her day is spent with them, ensuring the day’s work is properly circulated and delegated. Still, she is the only one the vice chairmen trust with their most important business matters, and she’s the only assistant they will bring with them to important meetings. Needless to say, she’s part orchestra conductor. She must follow this rigorous schedule each day to keep the vice chairmen satisfied, which is even more challenging considering how much each of them likes to demand from her.”
“Doesn’t leave a lot of time to herself,” mused an older purchaser.
Intern Wong cocked his head as he considered this new information. “But isn’t it a good thing to be so in demand at your company?”
“Aish,” chimed in an older lady on the other side of the group of busybodies, this one from the Accounting department who wore a thick pair of glasses to match her role, “it would be if you’re not a woman. Director Ortega is 38 and, as far as anybody has heard, never dated.”
“There’s no way a woman like her hasn’t dated!” the intern protested as his eyes returned to the serious beauty on stage.
“Even if she wanted to,” continued the accountant, “she would have to turn down any suitor. The vice chairmen keep her way too busy to even think about dating someone.”
“You don’t know that, Miss Lee,” said the manager.
“The hell I don’t, Manager Kwon,” the accountant scoffed, causing a few other uninterested coworkers to pivot toward them before everyone whispered apologies except the accountant. At least, she bothered to lower her voice enough that the rest of the row leaned in. “I process Director Ortega’s overtime. I’m telling you, there’s no way that woman has a life outside of this company or those seven men. It’s downright outrageous. They should be ashamed.”
“I told you,” said Mr. Cho, “she’s a sad case. I heard Director Ortega had to fly back from her sister’s wedding in Mexico because Vice Chairman Chae needed a translator, and she’s the only one he trusts to give him an unbiased translation.”
“That’s too harsh,” objected Intern Wong.
Miss Lee hung her head. “Director Ortega will never find a match. Ah! It’s too sad to see a sunbaenim give up her whole life like that.”
“But isn’t there something admirable about that?” Intern Wong mused as he looked up at the dark-haired director waiting at the edge of the stage, hands folded in front of her hips. “To be so loyal and dedicated to your company that you are trusted by everyone?”
A big-eyed girl in front of them whirled around in her seat and clamped her hands over the back of it to stare at the group. With wide eyes full of shock instead of innocence, she said, “I can’t believe none of you know.”
“Know what!”
“Tell us instantly, Secretary Heo!” urged Manager Kwon, and the whole row shifted forward.
The secretary puckered her thin lips and lowered her voice to a whisper just loud enough to catch over the drone through the sound system of Vice Chairman Im’s speech on streamlining database growth.
“Director Ortega handed in her resignation yesterday.”
“Impossible,” Mr. Moon scoffed. “She’s been here fourteen years!”
“Don’t talk nonsense,” scolded the female purchaser.
“I’m not,” insisted Secretary Heo. “Secretary Ahn told me yesterday at lunch. She’s Vice Chairman Lee Minhyuk’s personal secretary. If anybody would know, it would be her. She’s not a gossip.”
“Like you,” retorted the accountant.
“Game recognizes game, Miss Lee, but in this case, it’s just fact. We all need to be prepared for the trickle-down. Even if we don’t work personally with the vice chairmen, without Director Ortega as our shield, we’re sure to feel the brunt of things.”
“Now that you mention it, look how dull the vice chairmen look,” said the female purchaser as she stared sadly at the stage while the tallest vice chairman now spoke. Her eyes darted down to the straw-haired executive at the far end, and she shook her head. “Even Vice Chairman Lee Jooheon looks flat. He never looks so flat! Oh, this is terrible. I love his smiles.”
Intern Wong elbowed his coworker and retorted, “Keep your head in your station, Miss Kim.”
She rolled her eyes though the bespectacled accountant nodded. “And Vice Chairman Lee Hoseok looks much smaller than usual, don’t you think? Normally, you can see his shoulders from space.”
“I’m telling you,” reiterated Secretary Heo, “Director Ortega put in a month’s notice. She’s definitely leaving.”
“Have you heard this?” asked Mr. Moon to Miss Lee. “You process her overtime you said.”
The older woman shook her head. “I’m not in HR. Isn’t that your department, Mr. Cho?”
Everyone glanced down the row to the HR specialist who had grown progressively quieter. “It is, but I don’t work in Executive Resources. But…”
Everyone leaned toward him like plants straining for sunlight.
“It is possible,” Mr. Cho said guardedly. “I can’t outright refute it.”
Jaws dropped right and left, and a few hands fell over hearts.
“Why would she resign now?” asked Intern Wong when no one picked up the conversation.
“Is she not being compensated well enough?” asked Miss Kim.
“I have worked here through Chairman Choi’s reign, and I can tell you for a fact that her salary would make you blush, especially when she works for holiday pay. Plus, I have heard from Director Jeong that Director Ortega receives a bonus from each Vice Chairman at Seollal,” Miss Lee said vehemently. “No, no. But money matters less when you have no time to spend it and no one to spend it on. I told you. Director Ortega is 38. Aish, she must have realized that if she wants to marry and have a family, she has a very small window left.”
I love just making little noises, the noises don't really mean anything they just sound like a cat that is in mild distress
I actually wanna go to a party and record people sleeping and eventually turn that footage into a music video for this song.
Just stay with me
Just stay with me
Not knowing how sad we are
Not knowing how sad we are
Not knowing how sad we are
Not knowing how sad we are
imaginary chakho ost pt. 14
Min Kyunghoon,Kim Heechul,BIBI - Hanryang
this song SLAPS ( i know this has nothing to do with chakho that’s why it’s an imaginary ost)
beoms are evil we get it

some of them look kinda confused tho?
the hanryang-singing ones are hot jobless spinebreaker beoms who just want to be left alone to party in seoul. they rarely rip people apart like those other beoms. and really hate being hunted for money when they just sometimes cross the border to enjoy some nice bungeoppang on a cold day. (lazy)beom rights!! they just want to sightsee and you guys are shooting them on sight :’< wtf,bts?

the beoms in question
(an explained version of the lyrics)