Temperature - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago

Temperature regulation issues suck so much and are so weird because it does not matter how many layers I put on, if the skin is exposed it will be cold. My fingers are like a full 20 degree difference than my wrist that's covered by my jacket. just move the warm blood over there omfg

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5 months ago

People who have regular body heat don't experience cold the way we do. They apparently have this little heater inside of them that just, keeps their blood and internal organs comfy all the time. Being "cold" to them is just a chill on their skin. "If you're still cold after the first layer, put another layer on!" That doesn't work if you don't have the body heat to warm up those layers!!! it's just cold fabric on top of cold fabric on top of cold fabric on top of cold skin on top of cold fat on top of cold muscle on top of cold bones.

Then of course, even if there are FINALLY enough layers to make our skin warm. That does not mean it will make our bones warm. I could have an electronically heated blanket on me, and start sweating from it, and STILL BE COLD because it takes a lot of time for any amount of heat to pierce the surface level of my body & warm me in any ways that matter. So yeah, anytime you're interacting with somebody who doesn't have temperature regulation issues, and they offhandedly mention that they love the cold, just be aware they are never ever talking about our kind of cold. the kind that feels like an uphill battle. They're talking about something completely different and unique to them and their little internal heater. something some of us may never experience because we're always trapped in that fight with the air around us.

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Heat is fucking ableist i just want to go outside and not feel like I’m dying or going to pass out. Like sure being cold sucks and at a certain point it hurts like hell but for me at least heat and being hot is so much worse.

(I feel like I should note that technically the first bit of this (calling heat ableist) is a joke but I stand by it at the same time)

Is the high if the day 71 F? Yes. Do I still feel like that’s too hot? Also yes I will be sweating my fucking ass off and trying to walk as little as possible which is still more than I’d like cause I’m doing college classes this summer and the campus is massive.

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1 year ago
A Temperature Chart For My Fellow Americans Who Cant Do The Celsius-Fahrenheit Equation From Memory And
A Temperature Chart For My Fellow Americans Who Cant Do The Celsius-Fahrenheit Equation From Memory And

A temperature chart for my fellow Americans who can’t do the Celsius-Fahrenheit equation from memory and for people in the civilized countries who’re too busy making fun of Fahrenheit to do the conversions themselves.

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2 years ago

This was originally posted on 16th May this year. It's 19th July today, over 2 months later... & weather conditions in India have become worse. Today, the maximum temperature is 33°C & minimum is 28°C. (according to Google) The heatwaves are getting worse everyday. Monsoon spans from June-September in India. But guess what❓ .... rainfall has been extremely scanty for the past few weeks. It's horrible here.

Recently, It Was 143.6F In India. 143.6
Recently, It Was 143.6F In India. 143.6

Recently, it was 143.6°F in India. 143.6°

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2 years ago

Due to the fact that our wi-fi was gone and there was no coverage, I had to wait 30 minutes outside in sub-zero temperatures for me to download the comic.

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7 years ago
Little Lessons - 7 Temperature And Harmony By Fawngoo

Little Lessons - 7 Temperature And Harmony by Fawngoo

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1 year ago
Line graph with monthly temperature anomalies from each year from 1880 to 2023 growing across the graph to create a stacked bell shape. The Y-axis is labeled negative 3 degrees Celsius to 3 degrees Celsius and the X-axis has each month from January to December. As time goes on, the curved lines seem to stack higher and higher, and the colors of the lines change from white and light blue to light red, and then dark red. Finally, the 2023 line stops at August, the latest month we have data for, and it’s visible that June, July, and August 2023 were all hotter than any previous respective month. Credit: NASA

Confirmed: Summer 2023 Hottest in NASA’s Record

All three months of summer 2023 broke records. July 2023 was the hottest month ever recorded, and the hottest July. June 2023 was the hottest June, and August 2023 was the hottest August.

NASA’s temperature record, GISTEMP, starts in 1880, when consistent, modern recordkeeping became possible. Our record uses millions of measurements of surface temperature from weather stations, ships and ocean buoys, and Antarctic research stations. Other agencies and organizations who keep similar global temperature records find the same pattern of long-term warming.

Global temperatures are rising from increased emissions of greenhouse gasses, like carbon dioxide and methane. Over the last 200 years, humans have raised atmospheric CO2 by nearly 50%, primarily through the burning of fossil fuels.

Drivers of climate change, both natural and human-caused, leave distinct fingerprints. Through observations and modeling, NASA researchers confirm that the current warming is the result of human activities, particularly increased greenhouse gas emissions.

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1 year ago
Line graph with monthly temperature anomalies from each year from 1880 to 2023 growing across the graph to create a stacked bell shape. The Y-axis is labeled negative 3 degrees Celsius to 3 degrees Celsius and the X-axis has each month from January to December. As time goes on, the curved lines seem to stack higher and higher, and the colors of the lines change from white and light blue to light red, and then dark red. Finally, the 2023 line stops at August, the latest month we have data for, and it’s visible that June, July, and August 2023 were all hotter than any previous respective month. Credit: NASA

Confirmed: Summer 2023 Hottest in NASA’s Record

All three months of summer 2023 broke records. July 2023 was the hottest month ever recorded, and the hottest July. June 2023 was the hottest June, and August 2023 was the hottest August.

NASA’s temperature record, GISTEMP, starts in 1880, when consistent, modern recordkeeping became possible. Our record uses millions of measurements of surface temperature from weather stations, ships and ocean buoys, and Antarctic research stations. Other agencies and organizations who keep similar global temperature records find the same pattern of long-term warming.

Global temperatures are rising from increased emissions of greenhouse gasses, like carbon dioxide and methane. Over the last 200 years, humans have raised atmospheric CO2 by nearly 50%, primarily through the burning of fossil fuels.

Drivers of climate change, both natural and human-caused, leave distinct fingerprints. Through observations and modeling, NASA researchers confirm that the current warming is the result of human activities, particularly increased greenhouse gas emissions.

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10 years ago

I’ve recently decided to freeze myself to -273℃. My friends think I’ll die, but I’ll be 0K.

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2 years ago

We learned about this in my psych class! That’s why murders and ice cream sales are correlated but not related!

Welcome Back To Its Really Hot And Im Going To Murder Someone
Welcome Back To Its Really Hot And Im Going To Murder Someone

Welcome back to its really hot and I’m going to murder someone

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8 months ago

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1 year ago
Meat And Poultry - Apple Cider Turkey BrineTart Apple Cider, Peppercorns, And Herbs Are Boiled And Then

Meat and Poultry - Apple Cider Turkey Brine Tart apple cider, peppercorns, and herbs are boiled and then cooled with ice in this effortless turkey brine that the whole family will love.

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2 years ago


When we're told to had more layer to our clothing for cold weather we take it as a challenge

Alien 1: Human, the temperature outside is very cold for you and can make you sick, maybe you should add some more clothing perhaps

Human: no

Alien: but human-

Human: The cold is a mere foe, and adding more will only prove defeat, and with god as my witness I shall not be bested

One day later

Human with thermometer in mouth: *sniff* how did I get sick?

Alien 1: Ask your witness

OKAY don't know if this good but hey it's all I got rn soo...

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