Living With Adhd - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

ADHD paralysis is like being a character in a video games and the person who plays actually has ADHD and went to get a snack and got distracted so you're just like "can't move until they come back"

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3 years ago

People often ask me (no they don't) "Gracie, how are you so good at all these things" (which translates to "Gracie, why are you so inconstant in your hobbies?") And everytime I answer "I just have a lot of free time and motivation" (which translates to, "my ADHD makes me pick up on new interests and hyper fixate on them and drop everything a few days-weeks later)

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3 years ago

Real life convo I had the week before my BAC exam, at the library.

"- I wanted to ask you something but I don't want you to freak out.

*starts to freak out* "- what is it?

- are you like, into me?"

*confusion and more freaking out because I was in fact into them.* "- what makes you think that?

- well you always bite your lip when you're talking to me and you can never sit still when I study next to you and I always catch you staring at me."

*moment of realization* "- oh."

*stimming, zoning out and the need to release the energy"

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3 years ago

" Stop procrastinating."

Oh. Thanks for the advice. I will totally stop procrastinating now. You totally made my life so much easier.

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4 years ago

If people could learn more about adhd and autism so they dont say stupid shit like "but you have really good eye contact" or some other condescending crap, that would be real nice. Thanks!

Ppl without ADHD be like “oh if I get rid of all possible distractions then you’ll be forced to focus on the boring task!” Fool… You underestimate my Power 

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2 years ago

I talk and ramble often. I talk too fast and can’t get my words out fast enough. I’ve been told I’m random my entire life.

My randomness, rambles, and jumping to different convos and forgetting the original topic is my normal. Sometimes I wish I could not speak at all because my friends are talking about a class, but I still can’t stop talking about a joke we said 5 minutes ago. I can tell I annoy people. My voice is hard to reign in.

I wish I could stop being something people want to get away from and not talk to.

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11 months ago

The ‘you’re mature for your age’ to sleeping with a bed full of plushies in your mid twenties pipeline is real

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2 years ago

For the third time this week I have accidentally stayed up till 4am while wholeheartedly believing it was about 12:30

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yanno that feeling where you wanna do something but your brain is like “no not that thing” so you just aimlessly wander around bored out of your mind

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2 years ago

"How do you have so much energy all the time ???"

I don't, I'm constantly tired but I'm also being the class clown because I have abandonment issues and adhd

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3 years ago

i'm so glad that pots and pans and dishes don't have personalities. i burned boba and was wahing the pot in the sink and if i had to clean out a sauce pan that spoke in an annoying upper middle class person voice that said, "Are you kidding me?! You literally walked away from it. You don't seem to care about this boba? Otherwise you wouldn't have forgotten about it. Just give up already!" i would chuck it out the fucking window

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3 years ago

if anyone asks me to "get there right now" i'm going to throw them out a window because i can't "just leave for a minute and get back to it" because i have fucking adhd and focus time is precious productive time, damnit

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3 years ago

does anyone else that's afab just... forget that they can have periods? like especially when i'm identifying as cis male (context: i'm genderfluid and also have adhd so i switch between genders and also my memory is shit) i just COMPLETELY forget about periods.

just a few weeks ago i downloaded the Flo app to keep track of it after years of meaning to and whenever i'm cis male i look at it and double take because periods? that's not a cismale thing?!? (but it is an afab thing if you're not on T or horomone blockers)

also it fucks with my ability to recognize if my cycle is going to happen or not. just two weeks ago i was "weirdly" craving chocolate so i went out during my usual working time and purchased some and felt like a shit impulse-controller and low and behold i get my period that night and yeah! it's cravings! this is what happens when you try hard as fuck to ignore a craving! it just gets worse!

so yeah basically my memory is shit (bc adhd) and my perspecitve is skewed (when i identify as cis male because then female body?! it does not jive!)

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2 years ago

me, all my life: *eye smiles*

Neurotypicals: you didn't find that funny? :(((

me: *bears teeth, lifts lips*

NTs: ohh!! good to know you're happy!!!

me, with my mask on at work: sorry, I know you can't tell, but I'm smiling under here

8 yr old: oh no it's okay!! I can see your eyes- they're- it's-

me: my eye smile?!?

8 yr old: yeah!

me: :)))))))))

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1 year ago

so in the workplace impulsivity sucks because you get stuck in a rut of "yes" or "no" since you know you don't have enough time to think through whatever's being asked of you

look out- switching jobs ton isn't the only job-related adhd symptom; you can also never be written up but be constantly doing more than your paycheck deserves

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2 years ago


so I have ADHD but my family doesn't understand

Paralysis: "get over it" "that's a lie from the devil"

Under stimulation: "you'll be fine" "its not the end of the world"

What's worse is my mom refuses to get medication


Is anyone out there in a similar situation?

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2 years ago


I need some advice I have ADHD and my family just tells me to get over it, no medication either My sister does not understand my dysfunction and mom told me its a lie I had a sensory overload yesterday and they told me I'd be fine Any tips to help?

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2 years ago

The best part of having ADHD is that I usually forget what gifts I get people, so whenever they open them we both get to be surprised 😅

The Best Part Of Having ADHD Is That I Usually Forget What Gifts I Get People, So Whenever They Open

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3 years ago
Adhd People Also Forget To Make The 2nd Panels Font Bold

adhd people also forget to make the 2nd panels font bold

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