Mental Health Help - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

isn't it insane though how schizophrenic people are viewed as violent and dangerous by the majority of society when in reality schizophrenic people are nearly 14 times more likely to be on the receiving end of violence than to be the perpetrators...

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2 years ago

some things to remember:

- you’re never truly alone or unloved

- progress takes time, recovery takes time, real change takes time, and that’s just fine

- your brain telling you you’re worthless at 1am does not make it true whatsoever

- loneliness, heartache, rejection, and grief all hurt but they are not forever no matter how much they feel everlasting

- you don’t have to change to fit someone’s ideal image of you

- no one is worth losing yourself over

- mixed emotions and anger and regret are all part of facing reality and coping

- people do not all love like you do

- you are more than your problems

- you’re going to make it through the hard times and get to enjoy better ones

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1 year ago

Something I learned last night is that if you type ‘mental health help’ in the tumblr search bar a message will be sent to you from @kokobot which connects you with people who will sit and listen to you. They aren’t therapists and it’s not counselling but it lets you talk to someone if you need to

(I usually don’t ask for reblogs but reblogging this may help more people get help with their mental health so it would be greatly appreciated if you did)

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4 years ago

Friendly reminder to take advantage of Tumblr Filters!!

Friendly Reminder To Take Advantage Of Tumblr Filters!!

Keep in mind: Filters don't remove a post from your dash, you still have the choice to look at the content, it just shows up like this:

Friendly Reminder To Take Advantage Of Tumblr Filters!!

Why would you not take advantage of this feature?! Go block some tags right now! Here are some ideas:

Tw and Cw for phobias and triggers

#tw politics #political

Topics that make you uncomfortable

#MAP friendly, #MAP, #TERF friendly #terf, #radfem

Artists / series you don't wanna hear about

#sui mention, Any Self h*rm or s**cidal ideation

#gore #body horror #eye injury

#tw ed, #pro ana, #thinspo,

#Long post (makes it easier to scroll past)

Depression and negativity

#gifset #gifs (if your device has trouble loading gifs / to save your data)

Seizure warnings, #eyestrain #eye sore

Reblog to improve someone's Tumblr experience

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3 years ago

Affirmations for trauma/difficult past

I have been through hell and back

I am alive and that's a damn good start

My past affects me heavily, but it does not define me

I am compassionate

I am patient

I am kind to myself, even when I don't meet my own expectations

I would never judge somebody for asking for help, because I know what it's like to be helpless

I would never judge myself for asking for help

Support from others helps me to grow and heal

I am strong for seeking support instead of suffering in silence

I am honest and I am smart

I know my own limitations and I can set boundaries for myself

I can tell people "no" when things are getting to be too much for me

I don't owe people my time or my compliance

I follow the road to recovery, even when it's difficult

I follow the road to recovery even when it's uncomfortable

I keep my head up when I walk, because I am strong

I am safe

I love who I am becoming

I love myself in this present moment

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7 months ago



It has been soooooo helpful to the problems I'm having in life rn.

@hoodiewearer09 @cat-is-very-epic @codc0ffee @spac3-bug

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If you're obsessing over your anxiety symptoms, try this website:
Anxiety information, recovery support, and therapy.

It helped me to get out of bed and get on with my day today. It will be okay, guys, you're not alone! Please learn everything you can about anxiety and how you can make certain adjustments in your life in order to help your nervous system heal. Seek therapy and please, don't suffer in silence. Even if you don't have any close relatives or friends to rely on, we are in this together, I'm sure anybody in the anxiety community will listen to you. My DM's are also open if anybody needs to vent. Just make sure that if you're really struggling and living life feels like a burden, don't be afraid to also seek professional help (there are 8 more days till my psychiatry appointment too!). It is NOT a weakness, respectfully f*ck everybody who says so. As humans, I believe it is our duty to take care of each other. <3

- Reni

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When I'll get out of panic & generalized anxiety disorder (I want to manifest the fact that I SURELY WILL), I really really want to do something in order to help other people come out of it too and to make the ones who have zero idea about these conditions, a little bit more educated on the topic. We need to destigmatize all the untrue concepts regarding mental health issues and also regarding any kind of disability that exists out there, that people are fighting with every day. You (we) are valid! And you (we) deserve to be perceived in a non-judgemental way. I am tired of ignorant people and this ignorant worldview most tend to live by. Let's help each other in whatever way we can.

- Reni

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I'm so sorry for the previous venting post, I was feeling really low mentally and my hypochondria got the best of me. I'm feeling better today, although it took a lot of courage, mental strenght and my meds, to get to this state. I went out to shop today, though! Read half of the novel I need to do a seminar paper on, changed my sheets, drank tea on the college dorm room yard, listened to Queen, talked to loved ones and even colored a coloring book too! Yesterday I washed my hair and my family found a little kitten back home 🥹 I can't wait for the time I will get home and meet him/her (we don't know the gender yet). For my fellow hypochondriacs, I recommend the Instagram page of both @honsetlyholistic and @cherellethinks on Instagram, they help me tremenduously every day!

As Queen would say: "Just keep on trying!"

Even if some days are extra hard, I'm still here. Not giving up the fight.

- Reni

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