Compassion - Tumblr Posts - Page 2

9 months ago


🌟 As little babies, and then toddlers, our lives depend on validation. We need others to mirror and reflect what we feel, to know that each emotion is normal. We crave an explanation and mediation of these strange new sensations inside us—feelings. 💓

But if our surroundings never provided such validation or weren't capable of giving it, our need to feel seen and know that we are normal as we are faces a significant obstacle. 😱

However, my friend, it's never too late to learn to understand and believe to your body, your sensations, and your emotions, no matter how strange or strong they might feel. Even if they seem out of control, it might be because they, and the little you, haven't been seen for too long. đŸ„ș

Upon learning to listen to ourselves, we first encounter some intense stuff. But with a tiny flame of hope and compassion, step by step, we might find relief—which is valuable for every part of your life that follows. đŸŒ± Sending you soft, loving validation, and know that with all your unique and different parts, you are normal as you are. To exist is to be a normal part of this life, just as you are. 💖 🌈🌾

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9 months ago

The power of being a HUMAN

Hello my friends 🙏â˜ș❀

Sometimes the world seems deeply unfair. People often focus on punishment, guilt, and justice, not realizing they cause even more misery. In psychology, there's a famous triangle: attacker-victim-and the savior. People who save might become the victim of the victim and the attacker of the attacker.

We all are mobile, shifting between these roles throughout our lives.Between black and white, we have all the colors of the rainbow. We're all complicated beings, having both light and shadows of our own. We move along various scales in life - between being a victim, savior, or aggressor; between shadow and light; between justice and compassion; between self-acceptance and self-hate.The solution is being compassionate, firstly inwards to yourself. You might feel anger, jealousy, fear and disgust - congratulations, YOU ARE A HUMAN.

It's so hard to accept the pain that our reality and world is full of... And the temptation to divide into right and wrong, those who should suffer and those who shouldn't... But the truth is that no one should be punished or suffer.As the beautiful African proverb says: "The child who is not embraced by the village will burn it down to feel its warmth". đŸ”„

No child, no animal, no group, no patient, no member, no friend should be left alone... The healing of the individual is the healing of society. The healing of a nation is the healing of the world.

It's true, this path isn't easy. It's unknown. But from 300,000 years of human existence, if we choose to believe the theory of science - for more than 99% of humankind's life span we lived in harmony with life and nature. Only in the last 1% of time have we developed so much that we forgot our roots... But the roots of harmony and compassion are always there, therefore we can remember them whenever we're ready to look beyond the known.

Let's explore new paths of life, as individuals full of mutual solidarity - and as groups and humankind. We all are one, this life is short, let's make it the best lives possible for as many people as possible.

Thank you for reading ❀❀

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9 months ago
The Girl Who Became An Olive Tree
The Girl Who Became An Olive Tree
The Girl Who Became An Olive Tree
The Girl Who Became An Olive Tree
The Girl Who Became An Olive Tree
The Girl Who Became An Olive Tree
The Girl Who Became An Olive Tree
The Girl Who Became An Olive Tree
The Girl Who Became An Olive Tree
The Girl Who Became An Olive Tree
The Girl Who Became An Olive Tree
The Girl Who Became An Olive Tree
The Girl Who Became An Olive Tree
The Girl Who Became An Olive Tree
The Girl Who Became An Olive Tree
The Girl Who Became An Olive Tree
The Girl Who Became An Olive Tree
The Girl Who Became An Olive Tree
The Girl Who Became An Olive Tree

The Girl Who Became an Olive Tree

Once upon a time, there was a little girl who loved the world and all its creatures with every fiber of her being. Her heart overflowed with compassion and empathy for every living thing. She felt the joy and pain of others as if they were her own, and she yearned to make a difference, to bring comfort and healing to those in need.

As she grew older, the weight of the world's sorrows began to bear down upon her slender shoulders. She witnessed the suffering of people and animals, the destruction of nature, and the endless conflicts that tore communities apart. Her tender heart, so full of love and concern, felt each wound as if it were inflicted upon her own soul.

Despite her best efforts to spread kindness and light, the young girl found herself overwhelmed by the magnitude of the world's troubles. The more she tried to help, the more she felt the pain of others seeping into her very core. Her once vibrant spirit began to dim, and her steps grew heavy with the burden of empathy.

One day, as she sat beneath an ancient olive tree, seeking solace from the chaos that surrounded her, a profound realization took root in her mind. She understood that the tree, with its gnarled trunk and reaching branches, stood tall and strong amidst the turmoil of the world. It did not involve itself in the affairs of others, but simply existed, growing slowly and steadily, deepening its roots into the earth.

In that moment, the girl made a decision. She would become like the olive tree, distancing herself from the cares of the world and focusing inward on her own growth. She closed her eyes and felt her body transform, her limbs lengthening and hardening into branches, her skin roughening into bark. She became the tree, standing firm and unmoving, no longer buffeted by the winds of sorrow and strife.

"A tree remains a tree," she said. "It doesn't experience everything. It's not to blame for anything. It's planted in the earth and stands still, deepening its roots..."But what she didn't know was that even as a tree, she never stopped feeling. Deep within her woody core, the love and compassion that had always defined her continued to pulse like sap through her veins. She may have taken the form of a tree, but her essence remained unchanged.

Only at night would she awaken and go swimming in the Mediterranean Sea. She was half girl, half tree, until she met a boy with the purest heart in the world. In the full moon, one could see that his heart's radiance was stronger than the moon itself. His innocent, wise, and kind-hearted gaze penetrated her eyes, allowing her to emerge from the self-imposed spell of defense and consider returning to life.

But instead of encouraging her to leave her tree form behind, he joined her as a tree by her side. They intertwined together into the biggest and strongest olive tree in the world, providing shade and solace for all. Upon its branches, countless peace doves cooed together, dispersing olive branches as all over the world.

Then, the laughter of children was heard from all directions, and a blend of languages woven together in delicate beauty, creating a stunning velvet ocean of coexistence. And the mighty intertwined olive tree? Stood at the center of it all, spreading love and empathy and gifting shadow and most delicious olives to the whole world till the very this day.

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6 months ago

Ever been loved properly? I’m finding out it changes your whole world ❀

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7 years ago

Slow Dance

This is a poem written by a teenager with cancer. She wants to see how many people get her poem.

It is quite a poem, please pass it on. This poem was written by a terminally ill young girl in a New York Hospital. It was sent by a medical doctor Make sure to read what is in the closing statement AFTER THE POEM.



Have you ever watched kids on a merry-go-round? Or listened to the rain slapping on the ground? Ever followed a butterfly’s erratic flight? Or gazed at the sun into the fading night?

You better slow down. Don’t dance so fast. Time is short. The music won’t last.

Do you run through each day on the fly? When you ask, “How are you?” Do you hear the reply?

When the day is done, do you lie in your bed, with the next hundred chores running through your head?

You’d better slow down Don’t dance so fast. Time is short The music won’t last.

Ever told your child, We’ll do it tomorrow? And in your haste, Not see his sorrow?

Ever lost touch, let a good friendship die Cause you never had time To call and say,‘Hi’

You’d better slow down. Don’t dance so fast. Time is short. The music won’t last..

When you run so fast to get somewhere, You miss half the fun of getting there.

When you worry and hurry through your day, It is like an unopened gift
. Thrown away.

Life is not a race. Do take it slower Hear the music Before the song is over.


Dear All: PLEASE pass this mail on to everyone you know - even to those you don’t know! It is the request of a special girl, who will soon leave this world due to cancer.

This young girl has 6 months left to live, and as her dying wish, she wanted to send a letter telling everyone to live their life to the fullest, since she never will. She’ll never make it to prom, graduate from high school, or get married and have a family of her own.

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Angel Numbers For My Confused Witchy Followers

Angel numbers for my confused witchy followers

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7 months ago

She is trying.

That’s enough.

For now.

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3 years ago

Passion, compassion, humor, style.

“My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.”


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13 years ago


God calls us to be both compassionate and passionate. To have reverence for God and man.

Peter said “Silver or gold I do not have, but what I have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.”- Acts 3:6
 and Jesus himself said the way to identify a true disciple was to...

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2 years ago

Cornelia Street

A/N This is a long story inspired by Cornelia Street which is a Taylor Swift song. Also, if y'all are getting my content let me know via message or comment! I haven't seen any activity for a month... :( anything helps ~ TwooneZ. <3.


Breathe, you told yourself. Breathe. Just breathe. You’ll be fine. You closed your eyes, trying to lose yourself. That! Right there! Oh, yeah

The sparks on your lips lit up like fireworks. You opened and closed your mouth. Feeling Adam Stanheight’s mouth working wonders on your lips was amazing. A little bit of biting was included.

The street lights flashed by the window, filling the car up with dim, golden, light.

Adam’s hands were on your skin, crawling up your body, under your clothes, rubbing on sensitive and non-sensitive places, filling you up with affection and attention. His gentle kisses fell from your mouth to your jaws. He sent a trail all the way down to the bottom of your ear. 

You leaned into him, moaning, gasping, breathing. Waves of dopamine rolled over you continuously, setting your mind at ease, pleasuring you, but only just. 

Adam let his lips fall to your neck, caressing you softly. He left marks on your skin, causing you to shiver and shudder, but that didn’t make him think to stop, he liked it. He messaged the same place on your neck with his lips until it was numb and bruising, and then he kept going. Taking care of you was his first priority. 

You were pinned between the car door, and your boyfriend. The cold glass of the window pressed into your back, and the door handle jammed into your side, but you didn’t care. Adam was all you could think of. 

You gasped audibly, making the driver flinch. Adam only grabbed your knees and stretched them away from each other. Faulkner was making bold advances, but you liked it. If you both weren’t so drunk, then maybe you’d have a little more compassion for the uber driver, but you were shitfaced.

Adam’s sloppy kissing was more than arousing. Somehow, you were for it. Your boyfriend’s hands started brushing up along your inner thigh, his thumb rubbing circles. His lips had gone from your neck to the center of your chest. He was making sure not to ruin his piece of artwork. 

You choked on air, as Adam used his free hand to stroke your cheek. You felt his calloused hand go up and down your cheek. Up and down, up and down, lulling you to sleep. You turned your head into his palm, taking in his smokey scent. You loved that smell, loved how it stung the back of your throat. 

Adam started to work his way back up your body, while his hand found an interesting place to linger. You rolled your head back so it was leaning on the window. Adam brushed his nose past all the places he had kissed, stopping by your own nose. He smiled against your lips slightly, and pecked the very edge of your mouth. You were driven mad by this, he knew it.

A silence drifted between you as you looked into the other’s eyes, mesmerized. Dazzling, gleaming, streams shone in Adam’s eyes, pulling you deeper into his trance. His brown eyes made you hungry for more. 

Your boyfriend kissed you again on the edge of your mouth, and then kissed your upper cheek, where he trailed his nose back down your face towards your lips. You trembled a little at the soft feeling of his nose grazing your chin, and then stopping at your nose again. 

His breath was warm and wet as it wafted past your face. You could smell the leftover metallic from his previous cigarette. You hummed out in contentment, happiness filling you up just like bubbles expanding in the bath. You grabbed Adam’s wrist and sighed. 

Adam was already undoing the button to your jeans. Clearly he had major plans for tonight. 

You tilted your head at him, and giggled. 

“Shh,” Adam whispered in your ear. “Let me take care of you.”

His words blended together like a long susurrus, and wreathed around you. You breathed in his scent deeply and collapsed onto the window, blacking out finally. Adam put his forehead on your chest, his eyelids getting heavy. He took a look at his partner one last time. You were so attractive laying like that. Damn, if only he’d been a little quicker, maybe he would have had time to actually fuck you. Oh well, that was for another time. Right now
 he could really use a nap. Adam fell asleep on your chest.

When you awoke the next morning, you had a pounding  headache. You could hear something coming from the bedroom. It sounded like
 but there was another voice there with him. They were talking about the next series of photoshoots. A client must have come over while you were sleeping. You got up, the whole world flipped upside down, and you sank onto the couch again. You ended up crawling on the floor just so you could get some refreshing water. 

You could barely remember what happened last night, you vaguely knew what had happened on the ride home but that was it. However, you still had a major arousal, and some kind of relief would be appreciated. You would wait to ask Adam.

After a few minutes you were able to stand up properly, without feeling nauseous and falling over. You headed into the bedroom, and pushed the door open. Your vision was kinda blurry, but that was okay, it would pass. 

You entered the bedroom slowly, gripping the glass of water in your hand tightly. In the back of the room you could see Adam with his camera up to his face. He was taking pictures of a young woman. She wasn’t dressed much, save for a couple of silks. Adam usually didn’t do THIS kind of thing. But, you assumed he had agreed to it last night when he was drunk, and now was going through with it. It was fine. You were used to him having other people over. It wasn’t like he was banging them or anything, he was a photographer
 Freelance photographer to be exact. 

“Who’s that?” The young woman asked strictly. “You said no one was here! Is that why you had me walk through the living room with my eyes closed!? Are you cheating on me?”

“What?” Adam asked, baffled, and stared at the young woman. Obviously, he was still too hungover to process anything correctly as well. 

“I said, who is that woman!?”

Adam looked over his shoulder at you. You could see how bloodshot his eyes looked and how tired he seemed. There were black circles under his eyes. He had been up all night by the look of it. “Oh. That’s Y/N.” He gave you a lovesick smile. “Hiii.” He waved at you.

You stared straight passed him, at the other woman. Anger and jealousy were eating at you from within, churning your insides into nothing. You glared at her, unable to believe your eyes. Adam was with another lady!? You thought it was just a client getting her pictures taken. What was this?

Hot iron boiled in your stomach like unchewed red meat. The arousal was starting to fade away. “What’s going on?”

“I should be asking you that!” The woman yelled back. “I was just here with my fiance!”

Adam opened his mouth to interject but you stormed out of the room. Behind you, you could hear Adam crying. “Why did you say that? Why would you do something like that? I don’t even know you!”

“That’s not what you said last night!”

Fuming, you stuffed a bag with most of your clothes and you left the apartment. You were not thinking straight to bring anything else, all you were was drunk and dumped. Your heart felt like an injured bird, not able to fly, caged, and wingless. You’d never be in the air again.  

Fuck, he’s leading me on! He gets paid to stalk people, why would he cheat on me? That doesn’t make any sense. Maybe that’s why he has abandonment issues. Shit

Everything was starting to click into place, and it hurt. Way too much. 

You slunk swiftly towards the bus stop, hauling your belongings behind you. You scurried downward, painful shocks throbbing through your shoulders with every sob released from your lungs. The longer it took you to get to the bus stop, the more your chest hurt. 

Blindly, numbly, you stretched the crinkled dollar bill into the driver’s palm, and maneuvered into the back seat. Sniffling and choking, you endured a long and excruciating drive across the city. You were already gone by the time Adam called you. 

“Y/N? Y/N? Where are you?”

“I left,” you said bluntly. 

“ ‘left’?” Adam inquired in disbelief. “What do you MEAN?”

“I LEFT,” you repeated firmly. 

“I- uh- wh- but- ugh.” Adam trailed off for a couple of seconds. “Okay, listen. I know what it looked like, but it wasn’t THAT. She was a young woman I ran into last night. I don’t remember anything, but according to her I said I love you. I thought I was talking to you!”

“How do you mistake me for HER!?”

“I mean
 you have the same color hair?”

You scoffed, unable to believe your ears. Somehow, hearing Adam’s voice made you relax. You felt better. 

“Same color eyes?” 

You rolled your eyes, and scoffed again. 

“It doesn’t matter,” Adam muttered. “Whatever I said to whomever, isn’t important. I thought I was talking to you. I want you to come back. We can talk this through. I don’t even know who she is!”

“How’d she get in?”

“Um. I dunno. Guess I gave her my address
 I was so fucking drunk last night
 Just tell me where you are. I’m so worried about you!”

You looked down at yourself. Your sweater was uncomfortable, your jeans were crooked, and you were cold. Your duffel bag was looking limp and lonely, very isolated and incredibly sad. You realized that you were a long ways away from home, and the closest place was Adam’s apartment. You didn’t want to leave Adam, if there was a chance you could make it right you would take it, of course you would! 

You peered out the window and searched for a street sign. It was too dark to see anything. “I don’t know,” you grumbled disappointedly. You asked an elderly woman sitting next to you which street you were on. She turned her back on you, and kept typing on her phone.

Awkwardly, you turned back. “I’m
 on a bus.”

“Shit, you LEFT.”

“That’s what I said.”

“I didn’t know you meant it like that.”

“Just get me home, Adam!” You whimpered desperately. 

“Okay, okay. Let’s figure this out.”

“Adam! Let me in! Let me in! Goddamnit, are you on the phone with that wench/swain!?” The voice of the other woman came barreling into the speaker phone. 

“Get out!” Adam shouted. “Get out! No, no, I don’t care! No! Don’t do that! I said GO!”

“Adaaaaam,” the woman whined. 

“No! Don’t open that! What the fuck?”

“Adam?” You asked quietly, shifting your feet back and forth. The elderly woman was giving you dirty looks.

“How did you get into the bedroom? I locked the door,” Adam told the woman.

The woman replied snidely, “Your sweet little lover left their spare bedroom key. Oh, and what’s that? Their promise ring, too? Boohoo.”

You could practically feel the flinch that Adam made at that remark. “I’m sorry, Adam,” you interjected. “I didn’t mean to. I jumped to conclusions.”

“Tch,” Adam sighed dismissively. “Nevermind. I don’t blame you. Just come back. I love you.”

You didn’t know how to respond to that. Fortunately, the woman started yelling again. “You tricked me! You pervert! I bet you wanted to see me naked.”

“Y/N,” Adam said flatly. “I’m calling the police. Hold on, okay? I’ll get back to you. Just
 figure out where you are, and I’ll come get you. Did I tell you how worried I am? I’m so worried about you.”

You nodded. “I’ll try.”

“Okay. See ya.” Adam hung up, and left you all alone. 

The old woman said finally, “Young kids these days don't know no manners.”

You shot her an angry glare, and then got up and strode to the front. You asked the bus driver where the next stop was. He said it was three miles. You hung your head, and accepted your fate. That was when you noticed the woman at the back rummaging around in your duffel bag. You went charging down the aisle. 

Though there was nothing of importance to you in that bag, you would have preferred to keep all your clothes. You ripped the bag out of her fingers. “What are you doing!?”

“Young kids don’t know how to share, these days.”

You stared at her in horror, and then sat down all the way at the end of the bench. You put your bag daintily on your lap. 

You got out at the bus stop. You were scared, and soaking wet, but you didn’t have anywhere to go. You sat there, feeling lonely. When Adam called you back, you said, “I don’t know where I am. All I know is that I’m on the third bus stop in Delaware.”

“Delaware!?” Adam exclaimed.  “What the hell are you doing in Delaware?”

” You found it hard to speak suddenly. 

“Oh, nevermind!” Adam seemed to realize the stupidity of that question. “I’m coming to get you.”

“Two hours? Adam, it’s better if I just take a bus.”

“Y/N, no. I’m coming to get you. We need to take care of each other.”

You sighed and sat down. The traffic was low but still busy. You watched the cars pass by you, and you were jealous of everyone who didn’t have to sit in the downpour. You rocked back and forth on the wet  bench and watched some sort of movie on your phone until it died. By then Adam was only thirty minutes away. He had told you just before the power shut off on your phone. It was a long wait, quiet and still and empty. Nothing happened on the street for a long time during those minutes. 

Your legs were freezing and your hair was plastered to your head. You were miserable. When Adam saw his S/O sitting like that all alone, he flipped the fuck out. He parked to the side in a hurry. The curb was yellow, but this went unnoticed.  Adam hurtled himself at you, collapsing on your lap. It was currently two thirty. “Y/N, Y/N, Y/N! Oh, shit, oh, shit!”

Faulkner pulled your hair back with both hands. Each hand was on either side of your head, and his thumbs pinned your bangs to your forehead so that he could get a clear view of your face. Adam was distraught. 

Swiftly, he plunged his face forward and kissed you right on the lips, taking your upper lip in his mouth. It was short lived, and he backed away looking frantic. “Look at you! I can’t believe you did this!”

You stared past him embarrassedly. “I know. I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have done this.”

“Let’s get you in the car. It should still be warm.”

“I just feel

Adam pushed you into the car, and then crouched down to look at you. He was in between your legs, keeling on the wet pavement, gazing into your face. “Yeah?” He asked, concerned.  

“Oh, it’s nothing,” you muttered shyly. 

You tried to pull your feet into the car, but Adam turned you straight towards him. “No. Tell me. Tell me. I want to know.”

You huffed and shook your head, getting too humiliated to continue. “No
 Nevermind. I care a lot about you.” You tried to pull your feet inside again.

“Don’t leave me like that,” Adam murmured. “Tell me what’s wrong. I can’t help you, if you don’t talk to me. Come on, baby, we’re supposed to be open with our significant others.” 

You looked into Adam’s searching face, and blushed a bright red. “I hope I never lose you, hope it never ends. I’d never walk Cornelia Street again. That’s the kind of heartbreak time could never mend.” You wrung your hands together self consciously. “I get mystified by how this city screams your name
 Or rather
 New Jersey
” You laughed awkwardly. “Not Delaware

“Is that all?” Adam asked you gently.

You shook your head. “I’m so terrified of, if you ever walked away. I’d never walk Cornelia Street again. Ever again.”

Adam’s round puppy eyes were taking all of you in, like a fish gasping for air out of water. “Holy hell, Y/N. I didn’t know any of this. I’d never leave you. That lady wasn’t even supposed to be here. I’m sorry I scared you.”

“Take me home, Adam.”

“Yeah, yeah. Of course.” Adam got to his feet and allowed you to get in the car. 

Adam had been riding with the windows down, but you didn’t mind because the heat from the car heater was warming you up well enough, not to mention Adam had lended you his jacket - or rather flannel. It was hanging loosely on your shoulders, you didn’t have your arms in the sleeves. 

The ride home was silent, but pleasant, although the events of the day wouldn’t stop haunting you. You felt bad about them. You felt humiliated. You wondered what Adam thought. Did he think less of you?

To add on to the anxiety, you couldn’t believe how fast you’d jumped to conclusions. You were concerned about that, too. Was Adam judging you for that? If he was, what was he thinking? You fought with yourself for telling him about your fears. At the end of the day, perhaps Adam wasn’t the one with the abandonment issues? Perhaps

Well, perhaps it was actually you?   

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The neurodivergent urge to own a snake...

The neurodivergent repulsivity of feeding something a living being...

I wouldn't have to feed it living mice, right? I can't do that. The last time I killed a fly, I cried for 15 minutes. He just wanted to exist. He didn't mean to bother me. I'm sorry. You're okay now. Nothing will hurt ever again. How do I live with myself?

I don't think I'm ready for a snake...

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