Dpd - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

YES, I am absolutely anti-military, no doubt about it. Fuck that institution! However I do need to desperately hump a man through their unifrom pants before they fuck me with a gun in one hand and my hair in the other (for mental health reasons)

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6 months ago

Knowing I can never be pure again. Knowing I can't escape him. His blood and mine run in the same family tree, he was in the hospital when I was born, we share the same birthday.

He is the reason; the catalyst for my life's brutal and deteriorating path.

Knowing I Can Never Be Pure Again. Knowing I Can't Escape Him. His Blood And Mine Run In The Same Family

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5 months ago

Mfw they threaten to take me to the hospital with the intention of involuntarily hospitalizing me

Mfw They Threaten To Take Me To The Hospital With The Intention Of Involuntarily Hospitalizing Me

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5 months ago

I got that dog in me (The dog is Stockholm syndrome when my old abusive ex from years ago tries to come back into my life)

Put the dog down

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5 months ago


Bro really isolated me in his barracks room and hit with the "Hey I have something to tell you..."


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8 months ago

This is a pretty controversial headcanon, but I think Vaggie has dependent personality disorder. She clearly hates living and working at the hotel, but does it because she craves Charlie's approval, and despite her disagreeing with Charlie on almost everything, she goes along with it, again, purely because she craves Charlie's approval. She doesn't make any decisions of her own which aren't grounded in her desire to please Charlie, and she doesn't initiate any tasks without Charlie's approval, or any tasks which would benefit herself in any way. Vaggie likely sees Charlie as a caregiver, and will submit to her will in every way possible to please her, and ensure that Charlie doesn't end their relationship, or abandon her. Vaggie's dependence on others, and excessive desire to please whoever she currently views as a caregiver was probably programmed into her by Adam, who likely created the exorcists to be as submissive to his will as possible so that they would obey him without question. It is highly implied that he created them, and that they didn't come from human souls, as he explicitly details the fact that he named Vaggie

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7 months ago
I Tried To Mindmeld With The Kaiju Brain That Is Connor/bryan Dechants Face But Obviously I Gave Up Halfway
I Tried To Mindmeld With The Kaiju Brain That Is Connor/bryan Dechants Face But Obviously I Gave Up Halfway
I Tried To Mindmeld With The Kaiju Brain That Is Connor/bryan Dechants Face But Obviously I Gave Up Halfway
I Tried To Mindmeld With The Kaiju Brain That Is Connor/bryan Dechants Face But Obviously I Gave Up Halfway
I Tried To Mindmeld With The Kaiju Brain That Is Connor/bryan Dechants Face But Obviously I Gave Up Halfway
I Tried To Mindmeld With The Kaiju Brain That Is Connor/bryan Dechants Face But Obviously I Gave Up Halfway
I Tried To Mindmeld With The Kaiju Brain That Is Connor/bryan Dechants Face But Obviously I Gave Up Halfway

i tried to mindmeld with the kaiju brain that is connor/bryan dechant’s face but obviously i gave up halfway through orz

but here’s a shitty doodle dump anyway lmao

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7 months ago

If you do this I hate you.

I know the post itself is a joke; at least I hope so. It's tagged as much. Despite that, the engagement makes me feel people relate and enjoy the revelation— that troubles me.

If our friendship is so weak, so insignificant, that you can't be authentic enough to say you don't want to do something, what's the point of our connection?

Better yet, what kind of friend can't be bothered to spend one day doing something they dislike, so they can spend time with a friend? When we did we normalise such shallow transactional relationships.

As someone with BPD and DPD, doing this kinda thing just messes with my head. I can't feel like I can depend on you for support if you lie to avoid doing things with me. I can't trust you if I feel like you're repeatedly avoiding me.

ayaisokay - The Girl That Doesn't Exist

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6 months ago

I find both to be isolating in their own way. So, consider them carefully.

No communication is the obvious isolation, and it gets worse when you consider the danger involved with having no vocal, written, or signed voice. But, to speak every thought could cause its own problems.

How often do you have unspeakable intrusive thoughts? How often do emotions shape your thoughts to contradict your true feelings? It could get you into serious trouble or sever all of your bonds. Sure, you could try explain yourself and work with friends to correct the matter... But what's to say their reaction to the initial upset won't make you say worse things?

The question is a matter of choosing your own prison. At least for me.

I'm dependent on others so a loss of ALL communication destroys everything for me. But I'm also emotionally unstable and generally struggle to maintain bonds already. If I vocalised every thought and feeling, I'd probably look insane. I'd probably hurt too many friends.

Is it just me, or is this a cruel choice?

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9 months ago

someone shpuld praise me for basic shit. id be cured. "good job eating lunch, puppy!" "wow! what a good boy, getting all your work done!" please plewse please please please please please pleas3 pleqse ill be the bestest boy love me please

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4 years ago

me: *has a personality disorder that makes me clingy and reliant on others*

others: omg, you're such a child I wish you'd grow up, why can't you be like the rest of us, You're so fucking annoying

anime character: *has the same traits and does the exact same things I do*


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