Thoughs - Tumblr Posts
Todos tenemos esos años en los que sentimos que nuestras vidas eran mejores, eran las vidas que merecemos.
Esos años que sientes que quieres volver a vivir, pero que lastimosamente, no podemos volver a ellos.
Toca ir colina abajo sin freno, por esto que es la vida. Sin poder acariciar esos años aunque sea una vez más.
Do You know what's scary? Not to live your own life the way you feel it to, and turn into 88 years old and regret it. To wish to travel back in time...

I can't quit
I can't give up
I just keep going
Even when everything seems lost
I keep moving
Even when I feel i can't take it anymore
I wasn't born to be a quitter
I was born to be a goer, a fighter, a dreamer.
And I would never stop of loving who I am
I used to think that I would never forget you, and now I barely think of you...
I have moments when I lay and think how the world was created and what the purpose of our existence is
Today I took Thiocodin and I feel really really fine, I don't want them to stop working because I know I'll feel like shit again
Depression makes you do things you never thought you would ever do. The desire to escape from one's own thoughts and reality is stronger than common sense.
Looking at my mutilated forearm, I feel satisfaction that I punished my ugly body, stupid brain, stupid thoughts, myself in general, this is what I deserve
ever felt like you're just there to fill the void until they find someone...?
yeah, sometimes they may see me as being cold, but in reality I'm just unspeakably sad, hurt and dealing with feelings...
and honestly, why should I say it, when they either judge or don't take me seriously and just saying "it's all in your head, snap out of it" like my feelings wouldn't be valid and with that, pushing me more into this state?
they never acknowledge or notice that.
No wonder why I always feel like I constantly have to protect myself and shut myself down. It's so damn exhausting.
have you ever wonder if some people regret the way they treated you/what they did to you, at all, or they just sweep it under the rug like it never happened?