Ana Y Mia - Tumblr Posts
Hj começo a dieta Detox, vai ser bem difícil, da só um liga na dieta que me passaram na clínica.

Please answer with tips!
I try to avoid eating late at night, but the hunger pains get so bad that I cannot sleep.
How do i stop this? I’ve tried drinking water before bed, but the pains just come back.
ana and mia are going hand in hand this winter season
Almost gave in and binged. I took that piece of chicken nugget and really thought about it. How would it make me feel afterward, and is it really worth it... I let go of it so quickly.
Discipline is the key!!!!
I'm going to try to start something again. I've been eating too much lately. Tomorrow is Monday and I'll start my fast. I wanna fast as long as I can last. If I feel like passing out, I'll eat something that's less than 100 cals.
+ I promised myself not to BnP anymore.
Today was good. Fasted for the whole day. The only bad thing is that I drank tea with honey 😩. But I burned 237 calories, so I guess it's okay.
I have a physical on Monday and I'm still like obese bru😭 I need to fast until then so maybe I can be like less fat yk
July 12th 2024 17:49
July 17th, 2024 01:57
Dinner was my only good meal today😭

But i plan on working out Hella tonight so maybe I can burn all this off🤭 I need to get back on track with logging my meals to hold me accountable😬 ALSO I'm swimming tommorow and I swam Monday and Wednesday so at least I can work out like that🥳
July 12th 2024 22:06

I cant tell if this is good or not
July 16th, 2024 01:57

Me when I remember ana isn't actually a person😥
Bro istg I haven't felt full in over like 3 months, but I've been ravenous and eating like a pig😭🙏 does anybody have tips on ending a binge cycle cause I'm really struggling, I've been eating so much constantly and the hunger never goes away. I know it's emotional hunger but that doesn't make me NOT hungry.
July 31st 2024 02:29
Me when I don't eat till 9, 10 pm because I don't wake up until 8 pm:
Like OK ms gurl , I see u skinniiii
August 11th 2024 20:53
Coming onto tumblr after binging makes me feel like I'm being banished😭🙏 like DAYAM I'm sorry that I fucked up just leave me alone🙏
October 1st 2024 00:37
Starting no weigh October at 156 lbs! Honestly wayyy better than I thought lol this Gabe me motivation to not binge rn🤭 I thought I was gonna be in the 170s again idk bro😭🙏
October 1st 2024 17:00
So I'm doing the like trick or treat weight thing but I didn't take a picture of the scale and now I wish I had😔 I kinda wanna try and weigh myself now and just don't look but I'll prolly give in idk plus if I lost Hella weight now but don't lose anymore the rest of the month and find out it all got lost in the beginning I'm gonna feel bad instead of be happy I lost weight😭🙏 so like idk what I wanna do
October 3rd 2024 21:43
I have been binging but ignore😃 I'm choosing to ignore it
October 11th, 2024 22:52
would anyone want to start a fasting competition with me?
we would see who could go the longest fasting (the goal is june 13th) and also who could lose the most weight. preferably someone with a high sw!!
after the comp we could be ana buddies and hold each other accountable or give tips and stuff
si son inteligentes únanse