Ready To Kms - Tumblr Posts
i wish i was dead
i wish i was dead
i wish i was dead i wish i was dead i wish i was dead iwishiwasdeadiwishiwasdeadiwishiwasdeadiwishiwasdeadiwannadieiwannadieiwannadieiwannadieiwannadieimgonnakmsimgonnakmsimgonnakms
i wish i was dead so badly...
like if i could take a pill and just die i would gulp that shit down in half a nanosecond
but i don't have access to poison...
god why does living have to be this hard
i just. wish i wasn't useless. i want to die. i want to kill myself. i would be better as a corpse. but i fucking can't. i wish i could- but i can't! god im so fucking pathetic. why am i like this? why am i like this? why am i like this? i just wanna die. i wish i was never born. i would be better if i was never born. but i was. and now im here being a fucking burden on everyone i love. i hate myself so so much.
mmm nothing like graphically fantasising about suicide
ugh i wish i wasn't such a fucking pussy :(
"im actually gonna kill myself" proceeds to not kill myself
tw rather graphic sui vent
i want to fucking kill myself
dig blades into my arms
feel the blades deep into my flesh
i want blood streaming down my arms
fire dancing over my skin
rivulets of blood carving rivers into my flesh
i want to feel my consciousness fade out into the dark abyss of nothing
be free from this stupid fucking shitty meat suit
be released from the shackles of existence
life is an infinite monotonous gray canvas
i want to splatter it with crimson and finally break out of this stupid cage
i deserve pain and suffering and eternal punishment
death would be merciful
i want to split open my limbs
carve into my bones
leave giant bleeding gashes in my stupid fucking body
carve out chunks of flesh
watch as i fall apart into pieces
i want to throw myself into a fire
watch as my skin shrivels into darkness
feel the burning agony pierce deep into the core of my very being
i want to stab myself and dig chunks out of my flesh
watch as my organs start hanging out of my body and entrails collect on the ground
i want to gouge my eyes out until all i see is red and then black
i want to feel like my entire world is agony and nothing more
reduce my existence to a single blazing spear of fire
tunnel vision into white hot embers
i want to throw myself off a skyscraper
feel the wind grasp at me
the endless freedom of falling
the explosion of agony
the shattering of my being
split myself into tiny shards
watch as the scales of my fate tip and plummet into the abyss
watch as it shatters into a million fragments of broken futures
i want to feel the thrill of control
the feeling of my spirit flooding my limbs
i want to stop being a puppet pulled by golden strings controlled by the cruel mistresses of destiny
i want to be able to sever the threads of my life
split them with a slash of a blade
i want to slice my limbs into paper thin slices
see the twitching muscle
blood pulsing out a pool of crimson slowly growing
i want to drive nails into my hands and feet
shove a spear into my side
feel blood dripping down my skin
hang as a violent mockery
i want to embed a blade into my skin
lift it up
watch as my skin peels off
i want to just lie down in a bathtub
rest my head against the cold porcelain
lift a blade to my wrist
feel it bite into my flesh
and just
watch as it splits and opens
watch as the blood starts pulsing out
feel my mind start to float away and finally find peace peace peace
i want to tie a cloth around my throat and twist the tourniquet as it tightens and tightens and tightens
as my body feels light and hazy and i feel my pulse throbbing over my whole body as a final desperate attempt to survive but it fails and everything fades into black darkness
thats what true beauty is
the perfect serenity of death and nonexistence
i want to tie a noose and tie it to a hook
put my head in
feel it constraining my throat and just kneel and let myself hang
start floating away as i feel lighter and lighter and i slip into the empty void of nonexistence into true freedom
away from this life away from all pain away from everything in existence
the concept of existence itself is flawed the dichonomy of existence and nonexistence is inherently asymmetrical
to not exist is to never feel pain
i want to make my way up many flights of stairs
go onto the roof and see the sky stretching above me
feel the wind against my skin
lean against the railing
aware of the fragility of my existence
one simple tipping moment as i plummet into an explosion of nothingness
let me die and be freed from this prison of monotony
everything is in patterns and routines
i am trapped on this train hurtling towards jagged shards of reality
let me make my own story
jump off the train into the dark welcoming abyss
let me die
let me die
let me die
i genuinely hate myself so much- why the fuck am i like this???
i should really carve out this worthless taint upon the world
whats the fucking point anymore?
just watched Boromir die for the first time. Tolkien’s lucky that he’s already dead or I would be hunting him down and making him pay for what he has done.

I just tried to kms, it's horrible, my body felt panic when it felt like I could finally do it and end it all but the panic was so big that I stopped
I knew it would happen this week, it's not my first time trying, I'm so scared of dying but yk I'm terribly tired of life
I want to cry when dad's voice is a little too loud while talking to me, is it a curse to be so sensitive ?
Of course, I'm not going to tell anyone about this, just Tumblr and me (。ノω\。)

He gets upset about everything, what am I supposed to say or do? it's stressful
if I take too much time to answer, he'll look at my account to see if I posted anything, and if he sees this, I don't want a fight (╥﹏╥)

I'm so tired

Just woke up from a dream where I was married and had a baby girl who I was taking care of with my husband. I'm about to kill myself!♡
౨ৎ 𝑰’𝒍𝒍 𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒕 𝒍𝒊𝒗𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒘𝒉𝒆𝒏 𝑰’𝒍𝒍 𝒅𝒊𝒆 ౨ৎ

kill me. Please kill me. I want to die right fucking now. Please kill me this instant. I long for the great release that death will bring. Please kill me. I desperately want to die. I literally can not stand being alive. Please just let me die. I want to get hit by a fucking truck. I want to die. Kill me. Kill me now. Kill me right now. Please kill me. Pretty please kill me. Pretty pretty please with a cherry on top, blow my fucking brains out. I should not be alive. I need to die. I will always be alone. I will die alone. I'm gonna kms. I need to die. Please kill me. I want to die as soon as possible. I hate being sober. I wish i was dead. Like, genuinely, i wish i was dead. I will jiggle a genie's balls and forfeit my other 2 wishes if it means i can die. Please kill me. I should cut off my fucking hands. I should set my skin on fire. I want to die. I am nothing. I am worth nothing. I should have died years ago. I want to cut until i bleed out. I want to cut my face. Please kill me. Kill me now.
Anyway, have a nice day/evening/night. I love you.
My cramps are actually killing me bro I'm dying ripping my uterus out would be a blessing about to kms istg this is it guys it the end of the road for me I have my portable period heatpack turned up so high my skin is burning and in pain yet somehow my period cramps are still worse and I took panadol but it did nothing so I took advil and it also didn't do anything and I feel like I'm gonna throw up and I'm so cold and literally shivering, but also so hot I'm sweating and I'm shaking so hard from how weak I feel rn that I can barely walk properly and I'm so tired and dizzy I feel like I'm gonna pass out but I'm in so much pain I can't sleep even if I tried and I can't breathe properly I'm literally gasping for breath and I keep complaining and I cried because I dropped my key even though it was literally just in front of me and I ran into like five people I knew and felt like I was being really rude because I just barely smiled at them and said hi and then couldn't do anything beyond single word responses and I feel really bad because maybe I'm just being overdramatic and I'm being really bad company and basically ignoring my friends.
At what point does "I want to kms" actually become a problem instead of a joke?
I want to die. I want to fucking kill myself.
I’m so tired of feeling this way.

time goes by too quickly